13 Ways to Make Money with Your Code: Tips for Successful Entrepreneurs

If you’re a programmer, the chances are that you know how to make money with your code. Code is what makes the world go round, and it’s also one of the most lucrative professions in the world today. Code can help you create programs to do anything from managing your finances to track your fitness goals- there really is no limit to where code can take your career. In this blog post, we will explore 13 ways for programmers to earn money.

1. Creating Courses

If you’re interested in teaching others what you know, creating programming courses is another great way to make money with code. With the rise in the popularity of coding, it has become more and more common for programmers to create their own programming courses online and sell them to those interested in what they have to offer. 

Teaching a programming language to other people offers an easy way to earn money. All you need are the skills and knowledge from these courses: JavaScript, Android development, or Unity3D graphics engine creation course. You can teach computer science lessons in your spare time while working at another job on evenings or weekends if necessary. Code Academy, Udemy, and Skillshare are just a few of the many websites that offer courses on coding. Other sites where you can sell your programming courses include: 

  • Simplivlearning
  • Bitdegree

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2. Freelancing 

Freelancing is among the most popular ways to make money if you have a skill that people can pay for. For instance, coding or photoshopping can easily translate into cash on demand- even at just $5 per hour. The only thing holding someone back may be finding clients in their area, but there’s no need to let this stop them because many platforms exist where anyone with any talent could list what they’re good at, including Upwork, Fiverr, etc., so get out there today. The following are some of the platforms where you can start your freelancing career: 

  • Fiverr
  • Guru
  • Upwork
  • Toptal
  • Freelancer
  • PeoplePerHour

3. Create and Sell Well Plugins

WordPress is an open-source platform that anyone can use to create websites without knowing the technical skills, which are hard for many people. For example, plugins allow you to make your own site more dynamic and interesting by adding features like social media sharing or message boards where users discuss topics relevant to their niche area of interest. All these things would cost money if they were only accessible through paid web hosting plans. Therefore, you can make passive income by creating your WordPress plugins. Other platforms where you can sell web plugins include: 

  • Mojo marketplace
  • CodeCanyon
  • Creative Marketplace
  • TemplateMonster marketplace
  • Codester

4. Create Your Startup

Creating your startup is the most challenging venture on our list and one of the most lucrative. Look at companies like Google; Facebook; they were just startups by some reckless programmers who became big names in their industry. Thus, if you or someone else has an idea that will make money, don’t be afraid to take risks with your business because there are millions out there looking for something new and refreshing on app stores every day (and sometimes even hours). Learn 9 soft skills for every software developer

5. Become a Programming Tutor

If you are looking for a way to make money online, then why not try tutoring? This venture can earn you about $15-$50 per hour just by helping beginner programmers learn different programming languages. The following websites where new students will be happy and grateful if they choose you to help them learn how coding is done.

6. Coding Competitions

Coding is the key to success in today’s technologically driven world. Many websites offer coding competitions, and if you’re good enough, it could be just what you’ve been waiting for. The following top sites can help you get your career started: 

  • HackerRank
  • TopCoder
  • Codewars
  • Coderbyte
  • LeetCode
  • CodeClub org 
  • CodeChef

7. Develop Mobile Apps or Web Apps

If you want to make some extra money, develop your own mobile application and upload it on a different marketplace like Google Play Store or Apple App store. You can also integrate ads into the app for an increased revenue opportunity, providing more exposure than traditional marketing techniques such as Social Media Ads due to their size limitations (everyone does not always see them).

Web apps have become a popular way to extend functionality and provide features that desktop applications cannot offer. Therefore, web app developers can charge their users monthly or yearly subscriptions, depending on their needs.

Thus, if you want cash now, consider developing something useful that people may need, such as an interactive children’s book. This may be a mobile app teaching kids some basic coding skills while delivering fun lessons at beginner levels, which they’ll enjoy learning through touchscreen interactions enabled only by technology today’s generation relies heavily upon.

8. Earn with Quora

Quora is the best place to ask questions and get answers from experts. If you’re interested, there’s an opportunity to make money by publishing on Quora! You can start your publication ( Spaces ) in Quorra with another developer joining up – but watch out because they might answer other people’s questions or publish articles about topics related to yours, too. It sounds like this new space partner program has some awesome features that will help us both earn revenue while working together; what do you all think?

9. Design Websites Theme

If you are a web developer, I bet your front-end development skills. WordPress is one of the most popular websites around for selling themes, and it’s easy to use. Many people need these types of designs when they start their own blogs or online stores (think Amazon). Other websites that you can sell your themes include: 

  • Mojo Marketplace
  • ThemePlanet
  • Design cuts
  • BuyStockDesign
  • Creative Market
  • Templamatic
  • Theme Forest

10. Open Source Coding

It’s possible to create an open-source program or software which you can make available for free. In exchange for the support from users (who also fund its development), programmers use donation sites to keep updating it.

One of the ways I’ve seen creators get support from their community is through Patreon. This website allows people who are interested in certain things, like video games or creative content, to donate money so they can create without worrying about finances getting any worse for lack-of donations. Some of the websites where you can collect support and donations for open source coding include: 

  • Ko-fi
  • Liberapay
  • Tribe
  • Memberful
  • Patreon
  • Buy Me a Coffee

11. Programing Channel

You can make programming videos and start your tech channel or use Google Adsense to monetize every video. YouTube is an excellent platform for many YouTubers who are earning a full-time income with their own channels in place of traditional employment. 

To get started, all you need to do is check out some tutorials on how best practices like regularly uploading (at least daily) and maintaining high-quality content while staying within YouTube guidelines will help create the groundwork that leads to success. Check 15 best coding games to help you become a better programmer.

12. Solve Programming Questions

If you have a passion for any programming language, many students would love to hear from you. You can help them in exchange for money and fame. Some of the sites where you can offer this service for money include: 

  • PaperHelp
  • Chegg

13. Sell Your EBOOK

You can now write an ebook on any programming topic and sell it online. If you have the talent, then there is no reason why not. Many authors earn a full-time income from writing e-books alone. Some of the sites where you can sell your ebooks include:

  • Lulu
  • Blurb
  • Nook Press
  • Scribd
  • Gumroad
  • Smashwords
  • Kobo Writing Life
  • Amazon Kindle

Final Thoughts

Code is a lucrative profession with many different avenues for earning money, but one must choose the right way to make money with your code. However, code is not a get-rich-quick scheme; rather, it requires hard work and dedication to be successful. 

Code can help you create programs from the ground up, or it could also help you build your business empire with an already established platform. Code is all around us in every single aspect of our lives, so why wouldn’t we want to earn money doing what we love? Code can open up a world of possibilities for you to explore. 

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Web Developers and Digital Designers: https://www.bls.gov/ooh/computer-and-information-technology/web-developers.htm

40 Ways to Make Money Fast: https://www.ee.iitb.ac.in/~ccgroup/md/people/phd/investing.html


Dennis M
Dennis M

Hi, I'm Dennis, a software developer and blogger who specializes in programming languages and compilers. My blog posts focus on software development and programming topics like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS and ReactJS as well as PHP-based applications. Check and join my group to ensure that you do not miss any of my informative articles on this field: https://www.facebook.com/groups/softwaredevelopmentinsights

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