Future of Web Development: 10 Important Trends & Techniques That Will Be Applicable in 2022

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It’s been 15 years since web development exploded, and today web is now a huge part of our lives. With so much advancement in web technologies, web development trends have changed drastically over the last few years. 2022 is just around the corner, and web developers are wondering what web development trends & techniques will be applicable to their industry. 

There has been a lot of talk about web design in recent years, but web app development is where it’s at. This blog post discusses top web development techniques for 2022 that you should start paying attention to now.

1. Voice Search Optimization

Voice search is becoming more and more popular, so web developers should be optimizing their web content for voice searches if they aren’t already. A web developer’s competition is going to spend a lot of money on commercials just like everybody else, but the future of web development will rely on SEO strategies that go beyond traditional keywords & phrases. Developers should focus on web content optimized for sharing instead of keywords. This will help web developers to stay ahead of the competition in 2022.

It’s no surprise that voice recognition is the future of search. A recent study by Adobe Analytics found that a staggering 47% of smart speakers rely on voice searches more than typing, and global markets for smart speakers are projected at 163 million units in 2022 due to a 22% increase. Speech Recognition with AI assistants like Siri or Alexa has made this revolution possible– people opt for it over keyboard input because they want accessibility without having any physical device; therefore, companies should put their skillset towards making themselves accessible through hands-free interactions whenever possible. Check 10 top custom software development companies in 2021.

2. The Dark Mode Experience

Many web app developers are concerned about web accessibility, which is why it’s important to be knowledgeable in this area. Even though web design has recently become less of a focus, the need to have dark mode experiences on websites will increase significantly in 2022. This includes allowing users to change light colors to dark colors and vice versa while browsing.

The dark mode experience has gained popularity globally and will be trending in the upcoming years as well. This coding technique provides more comfort for users by reducing strain on their eyes during use, making it easier to read content at night or when there is little light available. Additionally, this website design reduces battery drainage due to the lack of bright screen backgrounds since darker colors are always present, giving off an elegant look with all other appealing features.

Other web development trends that are expected to be popular in 2022 include voice-controlled web apps, blockchain technology integration, and more. Web app developers need to stay up to date on these web development techniques so they can remain competitive in the future.

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3. Progressive Web Applications

web development trends & techniques in 2022
web development

Progressive web applications are web apps that use modern web capabilities to deliver a better user experience. They have been designed from the ground up to work offline, and they load quickly on flaky networks. In addition, progressive web apps can send push notifications when you’re not using your app, so it’s more likely you’ll come back! The web app manifest file they use is typically hosted on a web server, and it describes the web application, including its name, icon (used by mobile devices), description of the web app’s functionality, etc. It should be noted that Google has been pushing progressive web apps for some time now as part of their push to have more ‘Google-y’ web apps.

Messaging web applications are web services that use Internet-based technologies such as Ajax, HTML and XML to deliver a web app user interface for messaging purposes. They provide an alternative to the traditional email protocol by enabling instant messaging between users with no need of establishing or maintaining server connections. These web applications typically integrate with existing social networks, and they can use web messaging technologies to provide a range of communication services, including chat, audio/video conferencing, file sharing, etc.

In 2022 web application developers will be able to build web apps with machine learning capabilities using the Web Assembly standard. This is significant because it means web app development platforms such as Java or Python can run web apps on web servers without requiring web app developers to use a web application development framework. All of the heavy lifting will be handled by machine learning algorithms, which means web app developers can focus on building web applications that are more engaging and interactive.

4. Web Security

In 2022 web security is expected to improve significantly with the introduction of new standards for web security tokens. Security web tokens are cryptographically signed pieces of information that web applications can use to authenticate users while preventing fraudsters from accessing web application components without the proper web app credentials. 

When you log into a bank account, for example, the web app will send your username and password over an encrypted connection so nobody else can see it in transit. It will then send web security tokens that web app developers can use to confirm you are who you say you are without needing your password again.

5. Improved User Experience with Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality 

The future of augmented reality and virtual reality is coming to the web. According to an estimate, this industry will grow beyond $9.982 billion by 2024, thanks in part due to a significant change that’s been brought about with mixed realities such as tourism or architecture employing VR technology for clients who want them alongside more traditional methods like retail stores do when it comes time to purchase products they’re interested. 

For instance, Nyx and L’Oréal use virtual technology while also allowing customers to see what the so-called “beauty treatments” actually look like and hear from other women just how miraculous each product really performs before making any final decisions. 

Virtual meeting rooms are becoming more and more popular as a way to interact with coworkers. The pandemic has pushed companies into allowing their employees the opportunity for remote work, which is opening new doors of possibility when it comes to web development on websites like Spatial. Other sites will soon follow suit in order to keep up with these emerging technologies.

VR and AR technologies are great for use on mobile apps, but with WebAR, it is possible to experience Virtual Reality or Augmented reality in your browser. It’s not quite as fast or compatible yet, though – something that will likely improve over time. Consumers want convenience when shopping online, so there’s potential for an increase in the use of this type of technology by web developers. Learn how to be a software engineer without a computer science degree.

6. Use of AI and Chatbots for communication

Another web dev trend that has been picking up steam is the use of chatbots for communication platforms. People are more comfortable using apps like Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp messaging services over traditional SMS texting. Artificial intelligence web development is helping to bridge the gap between web and mobile apps by providing web developers with chatbot frameworks that can be applied to websites as well as applications like Facebook Messenger.

The future of bots is bright, and it will be a major trend in web development. Browsers are already integrating chatbots into their operating system, so you can see how this might change things up for support managers or customer service representatives! It’s also been reported that Facebook Messenger has over 1 billion users worldwide – meaning most people have access to these types of applications through one platform alone (Facebook). This provides plenty of opportunities for marketers looking at ways they could use messaging platforms as part of marketing strategies, with a lead generation being just one possible means forward

It seems only natural then that we’ll start seeing more companies implementing connected technologies among other innovations, such as voice-activated assistants who seem primed not.

7. Use of WebAssembly technology

WebAssembly is a new technology that can make programming languages more accessible for those without much knowledge. It compiles programs down to bytecode, which is then executed by browsers as needed with no lags or delays in performance. The technology will make calculations on portals faster, improve user experience and allow projects to move forward more easily because lags won’t slow them down as much any longer. WebAssembly technology benefits:

  • Allows you to choose between many programming languages
  • Ensures all competitors are limited to the use of equipment that has been approved for this event
  • Offers a high level of security in your portal or application
  • Enhances the speed of entering the code

8. Seamless Applications and Serverless Architecture

Serverless architecture is a new approach to building and running applications that have been built around the idea of being “server-eless.” This means you don’t need an actual physical server or even one with virtual servers on it at all. In its place are clouds that manage machine resource consumption for your app so they can handle these tasks without slowing down our internet connections any more than necessary. 

Trends concerning this technology change include efficient development budgets as well as apps where flexibility will always stay competitively priced and sustainability through green energy options like wind turbines – there’s no limit to what we could achieve when designing software according to function instead of territory size. 

Serverless technology is a major trend in 2022 because it can be used for chatbots, IoT apps, and other products with complex backend requests. The tasks most commonly associated with serverless technology are downloading files from the cloud or uploading data into an application and then retrieving them later on, sending notifications of events that happen both locally (like someone pressing one button) and across different platforms like Facebook Messenger. Finally, performing backups generally involves transferring large amounts of information from point A via some transfer protocol B onto another device C where D caches said content E. 

9. Use of SPA or one pagers

web development trends & techniques in 2022
web development

The idea of SPA is to make it simple and easy for users to use the site. This isn’t done by making everything on one page, but rather grouping similar information together so that people can find what they need quickly without confusion or wasted time searching around online stores which often have too much written about them in different areas such as news articles telling you how great their product/service is instead of being useful.

One common application would be product cards where all relevant info – including pricing-can go found right there at your fingertips while browsing through various blogs covering topics ranging from fashion trends. 

10. Use of TypeScript programming language

Web developers are always looking for new ways to improve the user experience and simplify their workflow. In 2018, one such way was developing the TypeScript programming language, which fixes some bugs in JavaScript. 

Therefore, it can be used more easily, with fewer problems or difficulties when coding websites using this method. This is just another example as we move towards 2022, where different companies will still continue to make changes around how they build sites online based on what technologies people prefer most at any given time. However, don’t forget about old favorites, either. 

Final Thoughts 

2022 is just around the corner, and web development trends & techniques continue to evolve quickly. If web applications aren’t taking advantage of progressive web apps yet, they’ll be behind the curve in 2022. If web app developers want their web apps to work offline and send push notifications, they’ll need to start using web messaging web applications now. Security tokens are gaining popularity because web security has been a pain point for web application development teams since the internet was created.

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Web Developers and Digital Designers: https://www.bls.gov/ooh/computer-and-information-technology/web-developers.htm

10 Web Design Trends and Predictions for 2022 and Beyond: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/10-web-design-trends-and-predictions-for-2022-and-beyond-infographic/606425/


Dennis M
Dennis M

Hi, I'm Dennis, a software developer and blogger who specializes in programming languages and compilers. My blog posts focus on software development and programming topics like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS and ReactJS as well as PHP-based applications. Check and join my group to ensure that you do not miss any of my informative articles on this field: https://www.facebook.com/groups/softwaredevelopmentinsights

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