10 Best Practices for Code Reviews and Code Quality Improvement

Code reviews play a crucial role in ensuring code quality, promoting collaboration, and preventing potential issues in software development projects. By conducting thorough code reviews and following best practices, teams can enhance the overall quality of their codebase and deliver better software products. This article presents ten best practices for code reviews and code quality improvement, enabling developers to foster a culture of excellence and continuous improvement.

1. Establish Clear Objectives

One of the fundamental steps in conducting effective code reviews is to establish clear objectives. Clearly define the purpose and goals of the code review process. Are you primarily focusing on improving code readability, identifying potential bugs, ensuring adherence to coding standards, or enhancing performance? 

Communicate these objectives to the team members involved to align their expectations and guide them in providing relevant feedback during the review process. By setting clear objectives, you ensure that the code reviews are focused and productive.

2. Involve Multiple Reviewers

Involving multiple reviewers in the code review process brings a range of perspectives and expertise to the table. Each reviewer may have a unique set of experiences and knowledge, which can help identify different types of issues and provide valuable insights. 

Multiple reviewers help ensure that code quality is assessed from different angles, reducing the chances of overlooking critical issues. Collaborative reviews also encourage knowledge sharing and the exchange of best practices among team members, ultimately improving the overall quality of the codebase.

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3. Automate Code Analysis

Automated code analysis tools, such as linters and static code analyzers, can significantly enhance the effectiveness of code reviews. These tools automatically scan the codebase, checking for common coding errors, style violations, security vulnerabilities, and performance inefficiencies. 

By integrating these tools into the development workflow, you can automate the detection of potential issues, freeing up valuable time during manual code reviews. Automated code analysis helps maintain coding standards, reduces the likelihood of introducing errors, and provides developers with immediate feedback for continuous improvement.

4. Review Early and Often

To catch issues as early as possible, it’s crucial to conduct code reviews early and frequently throughout the development process. By reviewing code early on, you can identify design flaws, architectural issues, or incorrect assumptions before they become deeply ingrained in the codebase. 

Frequent code reviews also enable a more iterative approach to development, with smaller, manageable changes being reviewed in each cycle. Regular code reviews promote accountability, improve code quality, and prevent the accumulation of technical debt, resulting in a more stable and maintainable codebase.

5. Provide Constructive Feedback

An essential aspect of code reviews is the feedback provided to the developers. Feedback should be constructive, specific, and actionable. Instead of simply pointing out flaws, reviewers should explain the reasoning behind their suggestions and guide how to improve the code. 

Constructive feedback helps developers understand the rationale behind certain coding practices, learn new techniques, and grow their skills. Maintaining a supportive and respectful tone is important, fostering a collaborative environment where developers feel comfortable discussing their code and seeking clarifications.

6. Balance Pragmatism and Perfection

Striking a balance between pragmatism and perfection is crucial during code reviews. While it’s important to adhere to coding standards and best practices, it’s equally important to consider project constraints, deadlines, and the overall context of the code being reviewed. Code reviews should not become a bottleneck that hinders progress or discourages innovation. 

Encourage developers to suggest alternative solutions or improvements while considering the project’s practical aspects. It’s essential to maintain a balance between code quality and the timely delivery of software.

7. Document Code Review Feedback

Keeping track of code review feedback is essential for continuous improvement. Establish a centralized system or use collaboration tools that allow reviewers and developers to document and address review comments systematically. 

This documentation helps track the progress made on specific issues, identify recurring problems, and establish a knowledge base for future reference. By documenting code review feedback, you create a valuable resource that facilitates learning, ensures consistency in code quality, and enables developers to build upon previous improvements.

8. Leverage Automated Testing

While code reviews primarily focus on the code’s structure and adherence to best practices, it’s essential also to emphasize the importance of automated testing. Code should be functionally correct and thoroughly tested to ensure reliability and maintainability. 

Encourage developers to include comprehensive automated tests, such as unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests, to verify the code’s functionality and prevent regressions. Combining code reviews with automated testing helps establish a robust testing culture, minimizes the chances of introducing bugs, and ensures the stability of the codebase.

9. Foster Knowledge Sharing

Code reviews offer an excellent opportunity for knowledge sharing among team members. Encourage reviewers to share their expertise, suggest alternative solutions, and explain best practices during the review process. 

By fostering knowledge sharing, you create a collaborative environment where team members learn from each other, acquire new skills, and improve their understanding of coding standards and industry trends. Junior developers benefit from the experience and guidance of senior developers, while senior developers gain fresh perspectives and insights from their peers.

10. Reflect and Adapt

The code review process is not set in stone but should be continually evaluated and adapted based on feedback and evolving project needs. Periodically assess the effectiveness of your code review process by gathering feedback from team members. Analyze metrics such as code review turnaround time, defect density, and customer feedback to measure the impact of code reviews on code quality. 

Regularly review and refine your code review process to optimize its benefits and address any challenges or shortcomings. Continuous reflection and adaptation ensure that code reviews remain effective and aligned with the team’s goals and objectives.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 7 steps to review code?

The process of reviewing code typically involves the following seven steps:

  1. Preparation: The reviewer familiarizes themselves with the code under review, including its purpose, requirements, and relevant documentation.
  2. Understanding: The reviewer comprehends the logic, structure, and design choices made in the code, seeking to grasp the developer’s intentions.
  3. Analysis: The reviewer critically examines the code for potential issues, such as bugs, inefficiencies, security vulnerabilities, and violations of coding standards.
  4. Feedback: Constructive feedback is provided to the developer, highlighting areas for improvement, suggesting alternative approaches, and addressing any concerns or questions.
  5. Discussion: The reviewer and developer engage in discussions to clarify any ambiguities, exchange ideas, and ensure a mutual understanding of the feedback and proposed changes.
  6. Iteration: The developer makes necessary revisions based on the feedback received, addressing identified issues and incorporating suggested improvements.
  7. Final Approval: Once the necessary changes have been made and reviewed again, the code is approved, marking the completion of the code review process and allowing for the code to be merged into the main codebase.

These steps ensure a systematic and thorough review process, fostering collaboration and enhancing the overall quality of the codebase.

What are the principles of a good code review?

Principles of a Good Code Review:

  • Clarity: Clearly communicate the objectives, expectations, and context of the code review to all participants. Ensure that the purpose of the review is well-defined and understood by reviewers and developers.
  • Constructive Feedback: Provide specific, actionable, and constructive feedback that helps improve the code. Focus on identifying areas for improvement, suggesting alternative approaches, and explaining the rationale behind the feedback.
  • Respect and Professionalism: Maintain a respectful and professional tone throughout the review process. Avoid personal attacks or derogatory language. Emphasize that the review is about improving the code, not criticizing the developer.
  • Thoroughness: Conduct a comprehensive and detailed review of the code, considering all relevant aspects such as functionality, performance, security, readability, and maintainability. Leave no stone unturned to ensure a high-quality codebase.
  • Collaboration: Encourage open discussions and collaboration between reviewers and developers. Foster an environment where both parties can ask questions, seek clarifications, and engage in productive conversations to enhance understanding and resolve any concerns.
  • Adherence to Standards: Evaluate the code against established coding standards, best practices, and guidelines. Ensure that the code follows a consistent style, naming conventions, and architectural principles to maintain code quality and improve maintainability.
  • Continuous Learning: View code reviews as an opportunity for continuous learning and growth. Encourage reviewers to share their knowledge, explain their suggestions, and engage in knowledge-sharing activities with developers.
  • Balancing Pragmatism and Perfection: Find a balance between practicality and perfection. Recognize that code reviews should consider project constraints, timelines, and priorities while striving for high code quality. Encourage constructive discussions about trade-offs and practical solutions.
  • Documentation: Maintain clear and organized documentation of the review process, including feedback, suggestions, and decisions made. This documentation helps track progress, identify recurring issues, and establish a knowledge base for future reference.
  • Continuous Improvement: Continuously evaluate and refine the code review process based on feedback and lessons learned. Adapt and improve the process over time to enhance its effectiveness and align with the evolving needs of the development team and project.

What is the difference between QA and code review?

Code Review and Quality Assurance (QA) are two distinct processes that serve different purposes in software development:

Code Review:

Code review focuses on the examination and evaluation of source code to identify issues, improve code quality, and ensure adherence to coding standards. It involves a thorough analysis of the codebase by one or more reviewers who assess factors such as code readability, maintainability, efficiency, correctness, and compliance with established guidelines. Peers or senior developers typically conduct code review and aims to catch bugs, improve software design, promote collaboration, and enhance the overall quality of the codebase.

QA (Quality Assurance):

On the other hand, Quality Assurance is a broader process that encompasses activities performed to ensure that the software product meets specified requirements and quality standards. QA involves a systematic approach to testing and evaluating the entire software system, including its functionality, performance, reliability, and user experience. 

QA activities include test planning, test case creation, test execution, defect tracking, and reporting. QA engineers focus on validating the software against expected behavior, finding defects, and ensuring that the product meets the defined quality criteria.

What are the five components of code?

The five components of code are:

1. Variables

Variables represent a named storage location in memory and can hold different types of values, such as numbers, text, or Boolean values. Variables allow programmers to store and manipulate data dynamically during program execution.

2. Control Structures

Control structures determine the flow of execution within a program. They enable the programmer to make decisions and perform different actions based on specific conditions. Common control structures include if-else statements, loops (such as for loops and while loops), and switch statements.

3. Functions/Methods

Functions (or methods, depending on the programming language) are blocks of code that perform a specific task or action. They allow programmers to encapsulate a set of instructions into a reusable unit, which can be called multiple times within a program. Functions enhance code modularity, readability, and reusability.

4. Data Structures

Data structures provide efficient ways to store, retrieve, and manipulate data. Examples of data structures include arrays, lists, stacks, queues, trees, and hash tables. Choosing appropriate data structures based on the requirements of the program can significantly impact performance and efficiency.

5. Algorithms

Algorithms outline the logic and instructions required to achieve the desired outcome. Efficient and well-designed algorithms can optimize the execution time and resource usage of a program.

What are the responsibilities of a code reviewer?

The responsibilities of a code reviewer typically include:

  • Reviewing Code: The primary responsibility of a code reviewer is to review the code submitted for review thoroughly. This involves examining the code for adherence to coding standards, best practices, and established guidelines. The reviewer assesses the code for readability, maintainability, efficiency, correctness, and potential issues.
  • Identifying Issues: The code reviewer’s role is to identify any issues, bugs, or potential improvements in the code. This includes identifying logic errors, potential security vulnerabilities, performance bottlenecks, code smells, and architectural issues. The reviewer should have a keen eye for detail and a solid understanding of programming concepts and industry best practices.
  • Providing Feedback: A crucial responsibility of a code reviewer is to provide constructive feedback to the developer. This feedback should be specific, actionable, and aimed at improving the quality and maintainability of the code. The reviewer should explain the rationale behind their suggestions and guide alternative approaches or improvements.
  • Collaborating with Developers: Code reviewers should engage in open and respectful discussions with the developers. They should be available to answer questions, provide clarifications, and foster a collaborative environment. The reviewer and developer should work together to ensure a mutual understanding of the feedback and proposed changes.
  • Ensuring Code Quality: Code reviewers play a vital role in upholding code quality standards within a development team. They help ensure that the codebase follows consistent coding styles, adheres to coding standards and best practices, and meets the desired level of quality. Reviewers contribute to improving the overall codebase by catching issues early on and preventing the introduction of suboptimal code.
  • Continual Learning: Code reviewers should strive for continual learning and improvement. They should stay updated with the latest programming trends, best practices, and industry standards. This enables reviewers to provide valuable insights, suggest innovative solutions, and contribute to the growth and development of the development team.
  • Time Management: Code reviewers need to manage their time effectively to ensure timely reviews. They should prioritize code reviews based on urgency, complexity, and project requirements. Reviewers should aim to provide timely feedback to developers, balancing thoroughness with meeting project deadlines.

By fulfilling these responsibilities, code reviewers maintain code quality, improve collaboration, and foster a culture of continuous improvement within the development team.

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Should code review happen before QA?

Yes, code review should ideally happen before QA (Quality Assurance). Here’s why:

  • Early Bug Detection: Code review helps identify bugs, errors, and potential issues in the code before it reaches the testing phase. By catching these issues early on, code review reduces the likelihood of them propagating into the QA process, saving time and effort.
  • Code Quality Improvement: Code review focuses on improving code quality, adherence to coding standards, and best practices. By conducting a code review before QA, you ensure that the codebase is of higher quality when it enters the testing phase. This improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the QA process, as the code is already vetted for common issues and optimized for quality.
  • Cost and Time Efficiency: Detecting and fixing issues during the code review stage is generally less expensive and time-consuming than addressing them in the QA phase or later stages of development. Code review allows for quick iteration and feedback loops between developers, resulting in faster resolution of potential issues.
  • Collaboration and Learning: Code review promotes collaboration and knowledge sharing among team members. Reviewers can provide feedback, suggest improvements, and share best practices with developers, fostering a culture of learning and growth. By conducting code reviews early on, developers have the opportunity to learn from each other and improve their coding skills, which can positively impact the quality of the code produced.

While code review is an essential step in the development process, it’s important to note that it does not replace the need for comprehensive QA. QA testing provides a broader evaluation of the entire software system and validates its functionality, performance, and usability. Code review and QA complement each other, with code review acting as a precursor to QA, ensuring that the codebase is in good shape before undergoing rigorous testing.


Code reviews and code quality improvement are integral parts of software development practices. By implementing these ten best practices, teams can elevate the quality of their codebase, promote collaboration, and ensure that software projects are delivered on time and with minimal issues. Code reviews not only catch bugs and improve code quality but also foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement within the development team. Embrace these best practices and witness their positive impact on your software development process.

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  1. TTS Engineering Practices Guide: Code review
  2. Types of Software Review


Dennis M
Dennis M

Hi, I'm Dennis, a software developer and blogger who specializes in programming languages and compilers. My blog posts focus on software development and programming topics like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS and ReactJS as well as PHP-based applications. Check and join my group to ensure that you do not miss any of my informative articles on this field: https://www.facebook.com/groups/softwaredevelopmentinsights

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