Top 5 Mistakes I Made While Learning to Code-And How You Can Avoid Them

Embarking on the journey to learn coding can be exhilarating and daunting. As someone who transitioned from a non-technical background into the world of software development, I’ve experienced my fair share of bumps along the way. 

Reflecting on these experiences, I’ve identified five key mistakes I made while learning to code. More importantly, I want to share how you can avoid these pitfalls to make your coding journey smoother and more productive.

Mistake 1: Diving in Without a Plan

My Experience: When I first started learning to code, I was overwhelmed by the plethora of programming languages and resources available. I hopped from one tutorial to another without any clear goals or direction, which made my learning process chaotic and inefficient.

How to Avoid It: Set clear, achievable goals before you start. Determine what you want to achieve, whether it’s building a specific project, learning a particular language, or preparing for a job in software development. Choose resources that align with your goals and stick to a structured learning path. This will provide you with a sense of direction and help measure your progress.

Mistake 2: Underestimating the Fundamentals

My Experience: In my eagerness to build complex applications, I rushed through the basics of programming. This backfired when I started tackling more challenging projects that required a solid understanding of fundamental concepts.

How to Avoid It: Strong foundations are crucial. Spend adequate time understanding the basics of the programming language you are learning—variables, loops, data types, functions, and algorithms. Mastery of these fundamentals will make advanced topics much more approachable and easier to understand.

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Mistake 3: Not Practicing Enough

My Experience: I often found myself watching tutorials and reading books without writing much code. While these resources are informative, they don’t replace the learning that happens when you actually “get your hands dirty.”

How to Avoid It: Coding is a skill best learned by doing. Try to code daily, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Apply what you learn through small projects or coding challenges on platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, or Codewars. This practice will deepen your understanding and enhance your problem-solving skills.

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Mistake 4: Learning in Isolation

My Experience: For the longest time, I learned coding by myself. This isolation often left me stuck on problems longer than necessary, limiting my exposure to different coding styles and techniques.

How to Avoid It: Engage with the coding community. Join forums, attend meetups, participate in hackathons, or contribute to open-source projects. Interacting with other developers will expose you to new perspectives, provide you with support, and enhance your learning through collaboration.

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Mistake 5: Fear of Asking for Help

My Experience: Early on, I felt that asking for help meant I wasn’t smart enough to solve problems on my own. This pride kept me from reaching out, significantly slowing my progress.

How to Avoid It: Remember, everyone was a beginner at some point. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from more experienced programmers. Most communities are incredibly supportive and willing to help. Utilizing platforms like Stack Overflow or even social media groups can provide you with insights and solutions that you might not have considered.


Learning to code is a journey filled with challenges, but also immense rewards. By planning your learning path, building a strong foundation, practicing regularly, connecting with the community, and not hesitating to seek help, you can avoid common pitfalls and accelerate your progress. Remember, every programmer makes mistakes—it’s an integral part of learning. What’s important is how you move forward from those mistakes, armed with the knowledge to do better. Embrace the process, keep pushing your limits, and gradually, you will transform from a novice to a proficient developer.


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Dennis M
Dennis M

Hi, I'm Dennis, a software developer and blogger who specializes in programming languages and compilers. My blog posts focus on software development and programming topics like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS and ReactJS as well as PHP-based applications. Check and join my group to ensure that you do not miss any of my informative articles on this field:

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