10 Top Programming Languages 2021

Top Programming Languages in 2021

The future of programming languages is looking bright. However, programming language popularity changes yearly, with languages growing in use and others falling out of favor. In this blog post, we will discuss the top programming languages for 2021. 

1. Python

The Python Programming Language is a dynamically typed programming language for general-purpose coding. Created by Guido Van Rossum in 1991, the high-level Python Programming Language uses an object model and a large standard library to simplify writing scripts that can be used across many operating systems with few changes.

Python has grown rapidly in popularity in recent years and is currently #13 Programming Language on GitHub.

2. Java

Developed in 1995 as part of the Sun Microsystems package, it quickly grew in popularity and became one of the most widely used programming languages today. Java has been through several updates since its release but has always stayed true to its original design. The programming language is currently the #11 Programming Language on GitHub.

Programming Languages such as Java and C continue to be the go-to Programming Languages for many software projects. As we mentioned earlier, these languages are used to build the foundation of new applications that run on top of them.

The general best thing about this programming language is that it has a low learning curve and is supported by major operating systems like Linux and Windows. This makes it among the most popular programming languages in 2021.

Programming Languages

3. C 

This is a general-purpose and imperative programming language that was created between 1969 and 1973 by Dennis Ritchie. The C Programming Language has been used to build many of the operating systems we use today, including Unix, which Linux updated in 1991.

The C Programming Language is one of the most preferred programming languages because it can be compiled on a wide variety of platforms and can be used for low-level system programming. Consequently, C Programming Language continues to grow steadily each year mainly due to its ease of use and portability across various platforms. Learn common mistakes that can lead to cyber attacks.

4. C++

Created in 1983 by Bjarne Stroustrup, the C Programming Language with Classes is a statically typed general-purpose programming language that can be used efficiently for low-and high-level operations. C++ continues to grow as an important programming language due to its use as one of the main languages in game development. It is used to create all major video games and is the Programming Language that drives much of the computational power behind Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. C++ is currently ranked as #12 Programming Language on GitHub with over 300 Billion LOC (Lines of Code) written in this Programming Language.

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5. JavaScript/Node JS

The JavaScript Programming Language, most commonly known as Node JS or simply Node, is an interpreted Programming Language that was originally implemented for use with web browsers. However, it has since been expanded to be used in a variety of applications, with its most common use being in the creation of web servers.

JavaScript has grown tremendously since its release almost twenty years ago. Node JS is now sitting as Programming Language #15 on GitHub, making it one of the top programming languages for beginners and those interested in software development.

6. C# 

The object-oriented programming language was developed by Microsoft. CSharp (C#) Programming Language was originally named “Cool” and then became “C Sharp” because the sharp symbol (♯) looks like a music clef note – C Natural. The Programming Language has not changed much since its release in 2000 and was ranked #22 Programming Language on GitHub.


This Programming Language offers a software environment for statistical graphics and computing. With an extensive library that provides data visualization features as well as many other statistics functions.

R Programming Language is increasingly becoming a popular programming language due to its popularity with data scientists. The programming language is used for statistical computing and graphics which are some of the most common activities within this field. It is currently #17 on the top Programming Languages list, climbing up two spots since last year.

8. Go 

The Go Programming Language was created by Robert Griesemer and Rob Pike in 2009 at Google. The programming language is designed to be simple yet powerful, with concurrency as its greatest strength. Currently sitting as Programming Language #22, Go Programming Language is also emerging as another reliable programming language to look out for when choosing Programming Languages.

Programming Languages


The HTML (HyperText Markup Language) Programming Language is a markup language that usually used in developing websites and web pages. HTML uses special tags that allow you to control layout, add content, and connect with other services such as social media feeds.

HTML was created in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee, who wanted an easier way for scientists all over the world to share research. Since then, HTML has gone through multiple iterations and now powers most of the web.

10. Swift 

This is a multi-paradigm and general-purpose programming language created by Apple Inc. The Swift Programming was announced at WWDC 2014 as the successor to Objective C for iOS and macOS development.

Since its introduction in late 2014, it has quickly become one of the most popular Programming Languages on GitHub, with over 100k followers. As an open source, Swift Programming Language has seen a lot of support from other companies in the development community. These include IBM, Lyft, and Facebook are also adopting it for their projects.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the future of Programming Languages is looking bright. Many new Programming Languages have been introduced over these past few years, and it will be interesting to see what Programming Languages continue to rise in popularity within 2021. As Programming Languages continue to evolve over time, what will Programming Languages popularity look like after 2021? Well, only time can tell. Learn top secrets for a successful software development process.

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Dennis M
Dennis M

Hi, I'm Dennis, a software developer and blogger who specializes in programming languages and compilers. My blog posts focus on software development and programming topics like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS and ReactJS as well as PHP-based applications. Check and join my group to ensure that you do not miss any of my informative articles on this field: https://www.facebook.com/groups/softwaredevelopmentinsights

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