Top 5 University Coding Bootcamps: Where to Get Your Beginners Education

5 Best University Coding Bootcamp in 2021
University Coding Bootcamps

In a coding Boot Camp, students learn coding languages and techniques from computer science professionals. University Coding Boot Camps offer a variety of different courses that cater to specific needs. There are many benefits of going to a coding Boot Camp, including acquiring new skills in an emerging field, receiving one-on-one attention from instructors, and graduating with a certificate or degree in computer science. 

This blog post will go over the five best coding Bootcamps currently available for university students in 2021.

Ignite Your Tech Future with The Ultimate Coding Training Package

What is a university coding Bootcamp?

University coding Bootcamps are great if you want to learn how to code practically and accurately. These programs offer focused web development training from qualified instructors. 

In some cases, students will learn front-end languages like HTML/CSS, while others might focus more on back-end tasks such as database architectures and cloud computing platforms with data structures thrown into the mix for good measure. All this is available in one place: Most top US-based coding schools give you access to top-notch learning opportunities without leaving the home ground. 

Online programs are a great option for people who want to learn how to code but don’t have the time or resources necessary. Bootcamp grads typically earn certificates, though some schools also offer college credit in exchange for an accelerated training program that can be completed anywhere from 3-6 months long.

It provides full or part-time instruction depending on your needs and job prospects upon completion. Learners interested should look into accredited online Boot Camps like Flatiron School, which offers hands-on learning through project-based real-world projects while giving you the skills needed in today’s technology marketplace. 


University Bootcamp Vs. A Degree: What is the difference?

5 Best University Coding Bootcamp in 2021
university coding bootcamps

University coding Bootcamps offer great way to get your foot in the door and learn all about programming. The courses at these schools focus on teaching you relevant skills that will be valuable for anything from servers, software engineering jobs, or even computer science degrees; there’s something here for everyone.

In general, this type of program offers more concentrated training than most traditional colleges offer. The program omits electives (like English) while focusing only on core classes like Data Structures & Algorithm Design, which might take up entire semesters’ worth of time if offered during undergrad years. As such, we recommend looking into them as an option when considering returning after undergraduate studies.

Importance of Enrolling in University Coding BootCamp

So, are you thinking about pursuing a career in computer science? Whether it’s for software engineering, game development, or information technology, the best Bootcamps offer practical and technical skills that are in demand.

They also cost much less than an undergraduate degree, making them more financially accessible to those who don’t already have access. So what do they give students besides hands-on experience working with real-world problems while earning credits towards their future education at little cost? 

Many schools provide resumes that help through job placement opportunities alongside networking events designed to bring new connections between employers/ Candidates alike. Check 15 best websites to learn programming 2021.

5 Best University Coding Bootcamp in 2021

The coding Bootcamp market is booming. There are over 1,000 university Coding Bootcamps in the United States alone. It can be difficult for those looking to make a career change and get into coding to know where to start. Below is a list of 5 universities with some great university coding bootcamps:

1. University of California, Berkeley

Coding Bootcamp

university coding bootcamps

The Internet has completely transformed the way that we do many things, including work. Consequently, the demand for coding skills, in particular, is at an all-time high because it’s not just information technology professionals who need these abilities anymore—everybody needs them. 

With Berkeley Coding Boot Camp web development program, you’ll learn key programming languages like HTML5/CSS3 along with backend service-oriented architecture & design on top of front-end techniques such as JavaScript or PHP.

Thus, when applying what was learned here, there won’t be any dead ends either career-wise. This is because employers want both veterans AND fresh graduates alike able to think creatively about solving problems while thinking critically through problem statements written out linearly before implementing solutions architecturally into designs.

Ignite Your Tech Future with The Ultimate Coding Training Package

Why Choose Berkeley Coding Boot Camp

Innovative Part-Time Online Model 

This is a hot new program that will work for you. It’s flexible, practical, and exclusive–no matter what your schedule looks like or how much time off from employment there may be in between jobs.

Flexible Online Classes

Each year, their customers are allowed to bring their learning style and schedule into lessons. This way, you can learn what works for your lifestyle at times – it’s never too late or early in the game.

Maximum Support

Receive the dedicated support you need to succeed in this course. Whether it’s one on one mentoring or group study sessions, we’ve got your back.

Receiving extensive help from passionate instructors about seeing their students excel is just part of what makes the University of California, Berkeley Coding Boot Camp special. However, don’t take my word for it; ask any current students how they feel about getting personalized attention when things get tough.

Engaging Virtual Classes

Attending class from any location is easy with their online courses. Their interactive sessions allow for a more engaging learning experience, so take advantage of them. Work closely alongside other members in your cohort and broaden what will be covered while getting help from instructors or teaching assistants anytime needed during the course material’s explanation process.

Weekly Challenges

Get the most out of your coding experience by taking advantage of all opportunities to apply what you’ve learned. The weekly challenges make sure that both coursework and real-world projects are on track, as they should be for any college student. 

In-Demand Full Stack Curriculum

The world of technology and the economy is constantly evolving, which means that our curriculum also needs to be. University of California, Berkeley partners with employers who are looking for new graduates because they know we’ll teach them about what’s relevant in today’s workplace: 

  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap
  • CSS
  • MongoDB
  • jQuery
  • MySQL
  • Express.js
  • Node.js
  • React.js

2. Columbia University

Coding Bootcamp

university coding bootcamps

Web development is an exciting, fast-paced career field that offers high growth potential. Columbia Engineering Coding Boot Camp will teach you specialized skills for full stack web design. Through this immersive curriculum, we’ll learn front-end technologies in demand today like ReactJS or Angular 2+; plus backend service-oriented architecture languages such as Java & Python too. 

Why Choose Columbia University Coding Bootcamps

Structured Flexibility

Many people want the flexibility of a career and active social life. That’s why the best University coding Bootcamps offer part-time courses, which give you access to world-class facilities with knowledgeable staff without sacrificing time or credits as many other schools do.

Real-World Projects

We’ll teach you how to use your skills in the real world, not just in some theoretical classroom. We do this by providing an industry-driven curriculum and examples applicable to professionals like yourself who want more than theory and hands-on training with working software development kits (SDKs).

Dynamic Instruction

The Columbia Engineering Coding Boot Camp is a unique opportunity to learn how to become an in-demand, high-paying tech job candidate. You’ll have access to interactive virtual classes taught by highly skilled instructors and engage in engaging workouts on your own time.

The part-time program will help teach participants everything they need for success while working towards certification from this elite coding school – all at their convenience through online lessons that are always available when it works best for them schedule-wise.


  • The Full-Stack Program will teach you to think like a software developer. You’ll learn through the rigorous curriculum of our program, which covers HTML5 and CSS3 as well as JavaScript/jQuery or other languages such as ExpressJS for Node-based applications on both server side logic (React) front-end development using React JS framework. We also have databases covered in-depth with MySQL & MongoDB so that everyone who enrolls gets their hands dirty occasionally.
  • Get the experience of working on projects that reflect real-world situations and building complex applications that can boost your professional portfolio. This makes today a better time to get started with programming. Pair up today, so you don’t miss out when these opportunities go public later this year or next semester.”
  • It’s time to go big or go home. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you. Take the plunge and learn what it takes with our flexible programs that will help launch any career opportunity sooner than expected, so now is not too late while maintaining other aspects of life like work schedules and family commitments.
  • Do you want to get ahead of the competition? With our continuation courses, you can learn additional in-demand technologies like Python. Plus, we offer a wide variety covering everything from introductory to advanced levels.
  • By taking advantage of our wide range of career services, you can expect to receive assistance with resume preparation and social media management; technical interview training that will help prepare for your future in-demand role as well.
  • It’s never too late to earn an award of completion from Columbia Engineering. Earn up to $2,000 in scholarship money for college by completing the Challenge at

1) Create or update your high school transcript 

2) Apply directly with participating universities 

3/4 ) Find out how you can apply NOW!!

Learn 15 best programming languages in 2021

Market Driven-Full Stack Web Development Skills

  • Databases (MySQL, MongoDB)
  • Supplemental Self-Study Topics (Amazon Web Services, Python, C#, Java)
  • Computer Science Applied to JavaScript
  • Command-Line Fundamentals/Deployment (Heroku, Git)
  • Quality Assurance (Continuous Integration, Unit Testing, Linting)
  • API Interaction (JSON, AJAX, API)
  • Browser-Based Technologies (Bootstrap, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, jQuery)
  • Server Side Development (Progressive Web Applications,  MERN Stack)

3. Rutgers University

Rutgers University BootCamp 

Class of 1883 memorial Old Queens Gate

The Rutgers Bootcamp will help you find your way toward success with courses that cover data science and fintech. With a hands-on learning environment and expert instructors from prestigious universities like the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School for Business Administration or Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School, we guarantee an education worthy of the name “Rutgers.”

Why Choose Rutgers University BootCamp

  • Education is the key to success in technology-driven industries like coding and data analytics. Rutgers University offers a variety of services that equip students for these fields, such as our Fintech Bootcamps. 
  • Rutgers Data & Code offers a variety of coding programs to suit your needs. Their part-time schedule allows you to continue working while studying, and our full-time option helps students get ahead faster by accommodating schoolwork on top of their 9-5 jobs. 
  • Rutgers BootCamp helps strengthen your portfolio with this comprehensive guide. Get started by building a web application and project that showcases what you know about coding, design, or any other field. 
  • After the BootCamp, the university offers you a certificate of completion.

In-demand Coding Skills

  • Data Science BootCamp
  • Coding BootCamp
  • Fintech BootCamp

4. Northwestern University

Northwestern University BootCamp

university coding bootcamps

The Northwestern Coding Boot Camp will give you the specialized skills required by those aiming to be proficient in front-end and backend technologies. They deliver an immersive curriculum covering both these fields, teaching students everything they need for a successful career as a web developer or IT professional.

Ignite Your Tech Future with The Ultimate Coding Training Package

Why Choose Northwestern University BootCamp

  • Northwest BootCamp enables you to simulate a professional work environment. By working on projects with your peers, you can get a taste of what it’s like to work in an office. You can also put skills you acquired at home or online into practice here. 
  • With Northwestern BootCamp, you can earn certificates to demonstrate that you have achieved certain levels of education and training with this prestigious program. The courses are designed for professionals already working in their field to show employers what kind of people they really are- not just someone who took some classes here or there because it sounded interesting at the time.”
  • Northwest BootCamp allows you to access continuation courses, which provide additional in-demand technologies, such as Java, C#, and Python. The burning question on every developer’s mind is: “Which programming language should I learn next?” With this course, you can gain a strong understanding of all the major languages used today without any previous experience.
  • Career services are now more accessible than ever. Benefits from various professional development programs, including social media profile support and resume, technical interview preparation for your portfolio reviews, or soft skills training that enable you to advance or launch in the workplace with ease.
  • Allows you to maintain your work schedule while studying. This will allow for enough time in the day and balance between what matters most – schoolwork or extra-curricular activities like sports teams/clubs (or anything else). Therefore, if you want to maintain your work schedule while studying, the two mustn’t conflict. 

Learn Market-driven Skills

  • Databases (MongoDB, MySQL)
  • API Interaction (AJAX, JSON, API)
  • Supplemental Self-Study Topics (Java, Python, Amazon Web Services, C#)
  • Quality Assurance (Unit Testing, Continuous Integration, Linting)
  • Deployment/Command-Line Fundamentals (Heroku, Git)
  • Browser-Based Technologies (JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery)
  • Server Side Development (Progressive Web Applications, MERN Stack)

5. University of Arizona

Coding Boot Camp

university coding bootcamps

In today’s fast-paced world, the web development industry is growing. The University of Arizona Continuing & Professional Education Coding Boot Camp will teach you specialized skills that help kick-start your journey into this rewarding career and help bridge the digital divide for those who want to work with computers but not programming languages or hardware. You’ll learn front-end technologies such as HTML5/CSS3, which are vital in creating beautiful interfaces, while back ends include everything from database management systems all the way down to code running on servers so users can access websites.

Why Choose Arizona University Boot Camp

  • Flexible Classes: You can take your time studying and learn at the best pace for you with full-time classes (12 weeks) or part-time classes. The flexibility to study in smaller or larger doses is one of many features this school offers. 
  • Through their continued courses, learn new skills that will help you advance in your career, including Python programming and Amazon Web Services.
  • Arizona University Boot Camp allows you to get a taste of the real world by partnering with your peers to build complex applications and real-world projects that will boost your professional portfolio.
  • Gaining a competitive edge in today’s workforce market can be difficult, but not if you take advantage of the plethora of career skills that Arizona University Boot Camp offers. You’ll find social media support, resume preparation, and technical interview preparation, all designed to help launch or advance your job search success story.

Market-Driven Full-Stack Curriculum

Arizona University Boot Camp graduates are in high demand because they have the skills necessary to succeed within their field. According to the employers that they work with, their boot camps optimize full-stack curriculums and ensure continued learning on the most up-to-date technologies, including:

  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • MySQL
  • React.js
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • Bootstrap
  • MongoDB

Final Thoughts

The best university coding Bootcamps teach coding languages and coding techniques. There are many benefits to attending a coding Bootcamp, including acquiring new skills in an emerging field, receiving one-on-one attention from instructors, and graduating with a computer science degree or certificate. This is the list of best university coding Bootcamps for university students in 2021.

Ignite Your Tech Future with The Ultimate Coding Training Package


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The Universe of TechnologyRelated “Bootcamps”:


Dennis M
Dennis M

Hi, I'm Dennis, a software developer and blogger who specializes in programming languages and compilers. My blog posts focus on software development and programming topics like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS and ReactJS as well as PHP-based applications. Check and join my group to ensure that you do not miss any of my informative articles on this field:

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