9 Questions New Developers Ask When Learning How to Code
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What are some questions developers ask when they’re learning how to code? 

The list of questions developers should be asking themselves when they’re just starting out can be overwhelming. From understanding the difference between HTML and CSS to knowing what programming language is good for what, developers often don’t know where to start because there’s so much information available. This blog post will answer these questions and more by giving you a list of the top 9 things developers want to know before embarking on their journey into coding land.

The Ultimate FAQs for New Developers on How to Code

9 Questions New Developers Ask When Learning How to Code
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What programming language should I learn? 

This is the most common question with new developers during their training. Some people might say that it doesn’t really matter which programming language you learn, but I am here to tell them they’re wrong. There are many different languages out there, and each one has its own set of advantages depending on what type or style your project requires. 

However, most things are similar enough, so learning just one will give you full understanding across many disciplines. Most beginner programmers pick up Python first because it’s relatively easier than some others (like JavaScript), which can sometimes be complicated. 

Learning a programming language is more about learning the basics than sticking with one. It’s also likely that your first love won’t be what you end up using at work or side hustle. However, this doesn’t mean they are any less critical in helping to shape who we want ourselves, both professionally and personally. 

I started out as a Python-only programmer when I was still getting used to these languages myself (years ago). I delved into JavaScript and then developed an interest in learning PHP. However, Java has become my mainstay now because it has some powerful features that will come in handy later in my career. 

The most important thing about how languages work is that they’re not all created equal. There’s no point in starting out by mastering obscure and difficult ones like Scratch or Pidgin, as you’ll only be learning low-level details. This won’t get your foot in the door when it comes to more popular modern languages such as Python, Java, Ruby, JavaScript (or anything else!).

So what is the best way to start off on this journey towards becoming a better programmer? Learn essential coding concepts instead of syntax specifically; focus primarily on first-language fundamentals rather than acquiring every little idiosyncrasy from another tongue right away. Check 13 ways on how to make money with your code.

What’s the difference between back-end, front-end, and full-stack development?

9 Questions New Developers Ask When Learning How to Code
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Front-end is the portion of your application that users interact with, usually on a website or mobile app. The front-end can be broken down into three components: web pages presented in their browser; screens displayed by an iPhone when you open it up to use social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Another term for this section would be “front window” because apps often have one central page where all other pages lead back to – these are called “back doors”.

Therefore front-end developers build interfaces that give users access to a system. Back-end programmers work on the back end or undergirding parts of an application and disposing of resources as needed by front end teams. However, the terms “front”, “back” can be relative depending on where they fall within your career. So don’t think you have one specific job title just because these words are being thrown around.

A back-end system typically includes a web server that handles HTTP connections from clients such as browsers. The code in this area of the app responds to those requests and performs the logic necessary for whatever task has been requested by a user, whether it’s reading data from their account or making changes on our end.

The back-end contains all sorts of goodies like databases (or SQL), queue managers, application liaison layers. In other words, anything needed for processing how users interact with your website.

The back-end code is typically a standalone monolith deployed as one unit, but it can operate in two different ways depending on the application architecture. This is either by operating as serverless functions running on cloud services (which we’ll talk about more later) or if there aren’t any complex features involved and only simple queries/tasks needed fulfilling those requests with data storage like databases. Then you will have your traditional “standalone” app where everything lives within this same program – front end UI layer ̶ CMS console interface.

Finally, now that we have understood the difference between back-end and front-end, it is time to venture into the world of full-stack development. Full stacks come from a combination of both front-end AND back-end. The term “full stack” comes from an analogy with stacking pieces of paper on top of one another, which can be seen as either empty space for more content (back) OR simply arranging existing information differently than it was before.

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How do we categorize programming languages?

9 Questions New Developers Ask When Learning How to Code
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The world of programming languages can be overwhelming, but it is worth exploring all the different options. Some languages have more similar features than others, and these categories allow you to find your way around quickly. Programming languages can be classified into five major categories, including: 

1. Interpreted programming languages

In order to be understood by the computer, a programming language must first be converted into an interpreted form. This process involves using an interpreter that takes your source code and converts it so that you can run it immediately on any device with internet access. Interpreters are programs that take the source code of one programming language and convert it into another for execution on your computer.

Compiling and interpreting share a few similarities, but there are also key differences that set them apart. The process of compiling happens at program run time or on the fly. In contrast, the interpretation occurs immediately as code is converted from one form to another before running the application itself. Some of the popular integrated languages include: 




2. Compiled programming languages

In a world where computers are keyboard warriors, the only way to understand your code is to see raw bits and bytes. As the name suggests, compiled languages use compilers that convert source codes into machine language, allowing these programs to execute on our machines with more efficiency than before. 

Compilers are programs that read one or more source files and turn them into machine code (executables), which your computer understands. The output from a compiler can be saved in executable form for distribution with ease of use though it’s not just the end goal here-executables also come in handy when you want to sell software.

The compiling process is a crucial part of programming. An end-user can execute the compiled code without being interpreted with incomprehensible results, just as if it were written in the original source language. Popular Compiled languages include: 

  • Java
  • C
  • Rust
  • Go
  • C++

3. Dynamically-typed computer languages

A dynamic-type program allows for the declaration of variables with different data types at runtime. This means that instead of having one fixed type, like “Integer ,” each time you want to store some number, all your values are potentially coming from any other variable on the fly (although this can be changed). Some of the popular dynamically-typed computer languages include: 

  • Python
  • Ruby 
  • JavaScript

4. Statically-typed computer languages

Most programs are written using dynamic typing, which means that the data types of variables can change during execution. This is allowed because programmers don’t need to state it in their source code, and whenever they want a variable reassigned with any new value, just assign them anew. 

Static-typing is an old but still relevant programming technique that has been used since before computers were invented. It means knowing the datatypes of variables at compile-time, and their data types are not allowed to change during execution or program compilation periods. This makes it easier for programmers. This is because they don’t need to keep track if something was originally assigned as a string after being reassigned to a new default type like integer without warning anyone about what happened inside there. 

Static typing can be a good thing in some circumstances, but it has its drawbacks. In statically-typed languages such as C and Java, you must explicitly specify the datatype for every variable. This means that each time you create a new one in these programming dialects, it has to be of an integer type name like “integer” or string – which could also include boolean values (represented by ‘true’ or false). 

Once declared with their defined types, they can only hold information consistently throughout execution. However, because there isn’t any ability at runtime to dynamically change what’s being held by variables without throwing exceptions. 

Popular examples of statically-typed languages include:

  • C
  • Java
  • C++

5. Object-oriented programming languages

OOP (Object-oriented programming) is a category of programming that involves organizing your code in such a way that it can be used for any object. You might want this if you are writing an application where many different types of things will need coding, like games or other programs with lots going on inside them.

An “object” in code can represent anything. It is often used to model real-life objects like the products for sale at your local store or customers buying them, but it could also be abstract things like URLs and sockets if you so desire. 

Object-oriented programming is a style that typically uses classes. A class is a model or template for an object with attributes or properties to define what kind of those objects are, in this case, outside of just being “data.” Classes also contain methods that allow code to be executed on these specific types.

So if you’re working with your computer program right now, there’s probably at least one instance where we’ve come across them. For instance, some of the attributes that you can find in the “product” class include product type, product price, unique product identifier, product discount and product name

Classes are the building blocks of object-oriented programming. You can think of a class as a blueprint or template for what kind of objects it will create, with each attribute defining one specific property that goes into your model (such as colour). Classes also come equipped with methods like those found in blueprints; these allow operations such as creating new ones. 

How do developers collaborate on code without being in the same room or location?

9 Questions New Developers Ask When Learning How to Code
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When I started coding, there were only a few lines of code in my Python text editor. But after adding more and more features to the project, it became unruly, so instead of having one giant file for all these changes (which would take up too much space), each new feature got its own .py module or script, which made everything easier on me when switching back-and-forth between different versions during development stages. 

In my experience, coding with friends is usually more productive than doing alone. If you needed to exchange code snippets and files for your project’s development process, which makes what might seem quite laborious much easier. Thus, developers can successfully work together while coding.  

In cases where they are not in the same location, they use version control systems and remote communication tools such as Skype or Zoom for meetings in order to make their jobs easier. The version control system creates a repository to store all of the data necessary for recreation in code files at any point in time. Version control systems help perform multiple in software development, including: 

  • Enables developers access changes made by other programmers and also share their changes
  • It helps track changes on the code files
  • Offers a full backup history on the project’s code
  • Provides simple ways of merging code changes from a team or multiple developers
  • Features tools that enhance team efficiency and collaboration

In this day and age, it is important to be able to keep your project up-to-date. That’s why you should consider using version control systems like git or SVN. 

What Integrated Development Environments (IDE) or text editor should I use?

9 Questions New Developers Ask When Learning How to Code
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Many developers have a favorite text editor and IDE. One reason could be that the particular tool was created for their preferred programming language or framework, which they stick with because of its ease-of-use in coding processes and other benefits such as customer support from company employees. Choosing a text editor or IDE from a company with employees who can help you out if something goes wrong during development periods without needing outside assistance like Google search queries to find answers about increased productivity within your workflow.

If you want a tool that helps keep your code clean and formatted, I recommend Sublime Text or Visual Studio Code. These two text editors provide plenty of features to help developers, especially those that prefer dynamically typed and interpreted languages, stay organized while they work on projects in their favorite language(s).

One of the most important aspects of software engineering is working with editors efficiently. We recommend using either IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse as they have features specifically crafted for working in Java. However, whichever editor you choose as your main development work environment. If you want better efficiency by interacting directly through terminal commands rather than point-and-click mouse clicks, they are not mutually exclusive options ( Whether it’s Vim).

Does the operating system that I use matter? 

9 Questions New Developers Ask When Learning How to Code
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To answer the question of what’s most important when learning to code from scratch for the first time, I would say that it doesn’t really matter which operating system you start with. Learning as soon and efficiently as possible will give your brain a good foundation on which to build upon in future endeavours.

If you’re looking for a good operating system to code in, I feel that one of the most important features is having access to a quality command-line terminal. There are many subjective reasons why someone might prefer their OS, and as such, this may not necessarily apply universally. However, it would be useful if your goal was wrapping your head around coding work or programming languages themselves from scratch without any reference material available yet (a situation which every programmer usually finds themselves with at some point).

It really comes down to what you’re looking for in your next computer. What’s more important? Speed, power or programming ability – and which user will most likely be using them (a developer)? If speed is key, go with Windows; however, there’s always Linux if all else fails.

For those who prefer developing on Unix-like operating systems such as Linux, I recommend trying out macOS before making a final judgment. This is because they offer some unique features not found anywhere else, like touch screens that work well enough when combined with Bootcamp. 

Learning the command line is an essential coding skill to learn, and a full-featured one at that. It’s also easier with Linux or macOS systems since they have better, more intuitive interfaces than Windows.

9 Questions New Developers Ask When Learning How to Code
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The tech stack is the foundation of any product or service. It involves a series of key tools, libraries, frameworks, and programming languages that work together to develop your software application with ease. 

For instance, Facebook’s full-scale tech stacks include Cassandra database; PHP scripting language for building websites on top Web technologies like ReactJS using JavaScript underneath it. These allow you to access information in different formats depending on what device someone is viewing. Here we look at some of the most popular software stacks: 

MEAN Stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, Node.js)

The MEAN stands for MongoDB Express Angular Node.js. It’s a more modern stack that uses these technologies in order to have an effective back end and front-end framework so your website can run smoothly without any problems or slowdowns. The stack uses MongoDB as a platform for storing data. Angular.js serves as the platform for the front-end, while Express.js is used as a back-end web platform. You can use Angular to provide an interactive front end interface with high-performance features like animations or push notifications and Express as its back end. 

In a world where technology is constantly changing, it’s refreshing to see developers make an effort by using all parts of their platform rather than just some. Whether you’re using the MEAN stack or not, every component was designed for native operation with JavaScript JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).

The MEAN stack is a fantastic way to get started with web development and help you in many ways. The major benefit of using this software, the components operate using JavaScript programming language, which means that it’s easier than ever before. 

LAMP Stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)

The LAMP stack, or the Linux Apache MySQL Microsoft PHP back-end system, has been used for years as one of those industry standards that never go out-of-date. It’s a tried and true method because it uses existing software such as web servers which process requests before sending data to your website through databases like MySQL – FOSS alternatives can sometimes cost extra money. 

The stack is an industry-standard that has been around since 1999. With the Linux operating system as the foundation, you add Apache web server software to handle requests from clients visiting your website or send data through transmitters like email servers. MySQL database management access provides a free & open-source storage platform. Finally, you can then use PHP scripting language to create dynamic content pages without having to do any tedious coding yourself. 

How Often Do You Need to Refresh Your Skills?

9 Questions New Developers Ask When Learning How to Code
how to code: software stacks

Learning how to code can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but you have to generate your own motivation. You should start by having the end goal in mind that is realistic about how much time or money it will take for you to reach this milestone. If there are too many unknowns at first, try not to focus on speed. However, just be consistent with yourself before moving on to more challenging things like learning new techniques that may interest or benefit your future goals even further if done correctly. 

With the help of instructors and classmates who are also learning new skills, this process becomes much more manageable. The instructors at CodeCast have witnessed high levels of success from group-based training sessions that involve live streams for those who struggle when attempting on their own, especially as new technologies emerge every day.

How Do I Stay Motivated When Learning To Code?

9 Questions New Developers Ask When Learning How to Code
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There are many reasons why one might need to get back into coding. Maybe you were laid off and found yourself without employment for months, or perhaps the job market has dried up altogether in your field of interest. Whatever the case, maybe there’s no shame if returning programmers can teach themselves enough skills through self-teaching platforms like CodeCast that will help them land an interview again.

The internet is always up-to-date with what’s happening in the tech industry and coding. From Reddit, Youtube, or Quora, viewers can find videos on various resources such as books to blogs that give tips for those looking into how they might get started with these careers. If you’re currently studying at CodeCast but want more than just classroom experience, I recommend scheduling certain times next year. Choose times that will allow other opportunities like taking courses online through sites such as Udemy and codecs plus so we continue growing our existing skillset even further. Check 15 top coding games to help you become s better programmer.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, that’s why developers need to start with a strong foundation of understanding, like what you’ve found in this list of top questions developers ask when learning how to code. With these answers and more at your fingertips, developers will be able to jumpstart their coding careers off on the right foot. Feel free to join our Facebook group to ensure you get access to all our informative content on this field. 

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Learning How to Code: https://code.gov/

5 tips to help you get started with coding: https://www.tech.gov.sg/media/technews/tips-to-help-you-get-started-with-coding


Dennis M
Dennis M

Hi, I'm Dennis, a software developer and blogger who specializes in programming languages and compilers. My blog posts focus on software development and programming topics like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS and ReactJS as well as PHP-based applications. Check and join my group to ensure that you do not miss any of my informative articles on this field: https://www.facebook.com/groups/softwaredevelopmentinsights

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