Best Laptop for Programming: What to Consider When Buying a Laptop as a Programmer

best laptop programming: 10 Things to Consider
Best laptop for programming

If you’re a programmer, then you know that you need a good laptop to do your best work. However, not all laptops are created equal, and it can be tough to figure out which one is right for you. That’s why we’ve put together this list of 11 things to consider when buying the best laptop for programming.

Best Laptop for Programming: 10 Things to Consider

1. Processor (CPU)

The processor is one of the most important factors to consider when looking for the best laptop for programming. If you’re working with heavy-duty programs, you’ll need a powerful processor that can handle all that work. The best processors for programmers are the Intel Core i series and the AMD Ryzen line.

However, if you’re on a budget, you may want to consider a laptop with an Intel Core i series processor from the previous generation. These processors are still powerful, but they’re a bit cheaper than the latest models.

When picking out a processor, you should take the time to weigh your options and make sure that it will meet all of your needs.

A high-performing chip may be nice, but not everyone has an unlimited budget. Therefore, when making this decision consider what else, in addition, would help fulfill those wants or desires before settling on just one component without considering others too.

2. Graphics Card

best laptop for programming: 10 Things to Consider when looking a laptop as a programmer
best laptop for programming

A good graphics card is important for any laptop, but it’s especially important for programmers. If you do a lot of graphics work or gaming, you’ll also want a laptop with a good graphics card. A good graphics card will allow you to do more advanced tasks, such as gaming and video editing. The Nvidia GeForce GTX and the AMD Radeon RX series are the best graphics cards.

3. RAM (Memory)

Another important factor to consider when buying the best laptop for programming is the amount of RAM. You’ll want at least 8GB of RAM, but 16 GB is even better. Some high-end programs can use up a lot of memory, so you’ll need as much RAM as you can get.

The modern-day computer offers professionals and gamers alike the perfect balance between power, performance & portability. If you’re looking for something to do office work or program on, then 8GB should suffice, but if your budget allows it go ahead and get 16 GB of RAM.

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4. Storage Space

best laptop for programming: 10 Things to Consider when looking for a laptop as a programmer
best laptop for programming

Programmers often need a lot of storage space, especially while working with large files. You’ll want a laptop with at least a terabyte of storage space, but two or three terabytes is even better. If you frequently work with video or audio files, you’ll need even more storage space.

SSDs are a great way to give your computer an instant boost. They’ll allow your laptop to run smoothly and quickly, no matter what task it is that needs completing.

The minimum capacity of an SSD in 2022 is 256GB, but it’s still better if you can get at least 512GB SSD. You should also make sure that your computer has a fast enough processor for the added storage space because anything less will slow down performance considerably and may even cause errors during operation. 

However, if you don’t have the budget for one, consider settling with at least a 256GB drive and HDD combination. This will allow enough room for operating systems and apps while still keeping the current work in progress.

5. Operating System

As we mentioned earlier, you’ll need to decide what type of operating system you want your laptop to run. If you’re comfortable with Windows, then you’ll want a laptop that runs Windows. On the other hand, if you’re a Mac user, you’ll want a laptop that runs macOS.

While the type of operating system you use for your programming projects may seem like a small detail, it can have large implications on what kind of tools are available and how well they work with each other. For example, if all programmers had to compile their code from scratch every time there was an update or change in the platform, then this could become very tedious. 

If you’re looking for a new laptop, it’s hard to go wrong with any Apple product. The company has so many great options now. From their affordable M1 MacBook Air all the way up through your favorite 16-inch pro model (MacBook Pro Max Display 5500X/5500 Mhz i5 Processor). 

6. Display (Screen Size & External Display Support)

best laptop for programming: 10 Things to Consider When Looking for a Laptop as a programmer
best laptop for programming

If you’re a programmer, you’ll likely spend a lot of time working with code and other text-based files. For that reason, you’ll want a laptop with a large screen. If you mainly work with code, then a thirteen-inch screen should be plenty big enough. However, if you do a lot of graphics work or gaming, you’ll want a laptop with a screen that’s at least fifteen inches. 

To get the most out of your screen, you must have enough room. A small LCD monitor can lead to eye strain. Besides, it can also reduce productivity because there isn’t enough space for everything on one page or within an interface element like text size may need greater horizontal scrolling than what is physically possible with larger displays. 

The programming space can take up a lot of vertical room. Thus, you need to consider 16:10 displays for your laptop instead. There are still some options that allow this, although they’re not as common anymore since most laptops come with an aspect ratio nowadays’16’.

If the screen on your best laptop for programming is a small one and can be tricky to work with when you have multiple windows open simultaneously. For this reason, many people attach an external monitor through an HDMI cable. This allows them to see more of what’s going on at once.

 7. Battery Life

There are a lot of great laptops on the market right now that will suit your needs if you’re always on the go. If you often work away from an outlet, you’ll want a laptop with long battery life. Look for laptops that offer six or more hours of battery life. Examples include Apple’s M1 MacBook Pro, Lenovo’s ThinkPad X1, and HP Envy 14.

If you’re looking for a laptop with long battery life, consider one that accepts Power Delivery. This feature can also be useful if you need an extra charge for some reason, like when there’s no power outlet available. 

8. Keyboard and Trackpad

best laptop for programming: 10 Things to Consider When Looking for a Laptop as a Programmer
best laptop for programming

The keyboard and trackpad are two of the most important factors to lookout for when you are in the market for the best laptop for programming. Make sure that they’re both comfortable to use and work well. Some laptops have terrible keyboards and trackpads, so it’s best to test them out before buying them.

Ultimately, the keyboard is one of those peripheral devices that you’ll find yourself using more than 90% of your time as a programmer. The type-to Illuminated keys make it easy on your eyes and keep things simple, so to speak, when programming in long hours at a time. 

Keyboard layouts vary between users, with some preferring the full-sized design and others tenkeyless. However, whatever your choice, maybe you should consider how well the best laptop for programming suits both personal preference and typing experience. 

We recommend that you take some time to test drive keyboards before settling on one. There are different keycaps and switch types, so make sure the type is right for your fingers. 

9. Ports

Finally, make sure that the laptop has enough ports for your needs. You’ll want at least one USB port, an HDMI port, and a headphone jack.

10. Weight and Portability (Mobility) 

If you frequently travel or commute to work, you’ll want a laptop that’s light and portable. Laptops with a weight of four pounds or less are best for travel.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why do we need really good laptops for programming?

best laptop for programming
best laptop for programming

Programming can be a very resource-intensive activity, and it’s important to have a laptop that can handle all of the different tasks you’ll need it to do. The best laptop for programming needs to be able to run multiple programs at once, have a large amount of storage space, and be capable of handling powerful programming tools.

It’s best to think about what you’ll be using your laptop for before deciding on which one best suits your needs. If you’re going to use it primarily as a mobile workstation then something with more power might make sense, but if portability is important then there are plenty of options out there that will meet those requirements too.

Why do many programmers use old laptops?

Old laptops are good for programming because they have a long battery life and work best when not connected to the internet. You don’t need all those bells and whistles that come with newer models like touch screens or fingerprint readers – just an old school laptop that runs well enough so you can write code on it!

The best part is that you can often find these laptops for a great price on sites like eBay or Craigslist. So if you’re looking for a good laptop to do your programming work, an old one might be the best option for you!

How do I use my laptop efficiently as a programmer?

best laptop for programming
best laptop for programming

Well, you can use it just like I do! Here are some tips:

  • Use a physical keyboard and mouse instead of the touchpad
  • Turn off Wi-Fi when not in use so that battery life lasts longer
  • Buy an external hard drive for extra storage space if necessary. (You should always have at least two backups of your work just in case!)
  • Get a laptop with a good graphics card if you’ll be doing any video editing or gaming
  • Processor: You’ll want a powerful processor to handle all of the code you’ll be working on. Look for a laptop with an Intel Core i series processor or something similar.
  • Memory: Make sure your laptop has enough memory (RAM) to run multiple programs at once. 16GB should be plenty.

These are just a few tips to get you started. For more advice, check out this article on the best laptops for programming:

What would be the best computer configuration for a programmer?

best laptop for programming
best laptop for programming

One of the best computer configurations would be a one with a powerful processor, lots of RAM and plenty of storage space. It’s also important that you get enough battery life since coding often takes up more power than browsing or watching movies on your PC.

First thing to do when choosing the best laptop for programming is to decide if you’re going to buy one pre-built or build it yourself! You’ll want at least 16 GB of ram with an SSD and a quad core processor running Windows OS if possible.

In addition to this, the best computer configuration for programming would be:

  • A powerful processor.
  • Lots of RAM and storage space.
  • Enough battery life since coding often takes up more power than browsing or watching movies on your PC.
  • An SSD and a quad core processor running Windows OS if possible.

What are some cool ways programmers customize their laptops?

best laptop for programming
best laptop for programming

There are a number of ways programmers can customize their laptops to make them more efficient for coding. Some popular options include installing an editor like Emacs or Vim, adding keyboard shortcuts, and setting up custom hotkeys. Additionally, many programmers like to use terminal-based applications instead of traditional graphical ones, so they’ll often install programs like tmux or screen to help with this.

Another great way to customize your best laptop for programming is to use a code editor theme that best suits your needs. For example, many programmers like to use dark themes to reduce eye strain, while others prefer light themes for better visibility in low-light conditions. There are also a number of different font options that can be helpful for programming, such as Consolas or Droid Sans Mono.

Finally, many programmers also like using external monitors when working on their laptops. This can give them more screen real estate to work with and help them stay organized by allowing them to have multiple windows open at the same time.

Here’s a list of some other cool things programmers do to customize their laptops:

  • Custom stickers on the back (like “I’m with stupid”)
  • Different color keyboard keys and trackpad buttons for easier typing/clicking when your hands are busy
  • Using a different operating system like Linux which can be more lightweight and customizable than Windows or MacOS
  • Downloading software to change the look of your desktop, icons, and mouse cursor
  • Adding an external graphics card for better gaming or video editing performance
  • Attaching a second monitor for more screen real estate
  • Using a laptop stand or cooling pad to keep the machine from getting too hot
  • Purchasing a custom laptop skin or case to protect it from scratches and damage

These are just a few of the ways that programmers can customize their laptops. Do whatever makes you feel comfortable and productive when working on your projects.

Does a programmer need an expensive laptop?

best laptop for programming
best laptop for programming

The short answer is no. In fact, most programmers don’t need anything too fancy. A mid-range laptop should be more than enough for most people. Of course, if you’re doing some serious work or need extra power, then you may want to consider a more expensive option. Here is a list of the best laptop for programming to consider. 13 Best Laptops for Programming and Coding: Ultimate Guide

How often do programmers update their laptops?

best laptop for programming
best laptop for programming

Many people assume that programmers need to buy a new laptop every year. This is not true. For the most part, you can use the same computer for your programming work indefinitely. However, if you do need to update it (for example, because there’s a newer version of an operating system), it’s best to do so as soon as possible.

If you’re not sure whether or not your laptop is up to date, check the system requirements for the programming languages and tools that you use. If your computer doesn’t meet those requirements, it’s time to update!

What would you recommend as a good laptop for an entry-level software engineer or programmer?

best laptop for programming
best laptop for programming

When you’re first starting out as a programmer, it’s best to go with the best laptop for programming that is versatile and can be used for many different tasks. You don’t need anything too powerful or expensive; just something reliable will do! If possible, try going with an Intel Core i processor since these chips tend to have higher clock speeds than the AMD alternatives.

Another important factor to consider is the amount of RAM that your laptop has. At a minimum, we would recommend at least 16GB of RAM for programming purposes; however, if you can afford it, go for 32GB or more. This will help ensure that your computer doesn’t slow down when running multiple applications simultaneously.

If you’re looking for the best laptop for programming for an entry-level programmer, we recommend checking out the ASUS ZenBook UX330UA. This laptop is powerful enough to handle all your programming needs, and it’s also lightweight and portable. And best of all, it’s affordable without sacrificing too much in terms of performance or features.

If you’re looking for a laptop that’s specifically designed for programmers, we recommend checking out the Dell XPS 13 Developer Edition. This laptop is powerful and portable, and it also comes with some great developer-friendly features. Plus, it’s affordably priced. This makes it the best laptop for programming, especially for people working on a tight budget.

Final Thoughts

When programming on the go, nothing beats a powerful laptop with all of your favorite software pre-installed and ready to use. The best laptop for programming can really make or break how quickly you get projects completed depending on whether it is the right choice or not.

Therefore, these are some things to consider when buying a laptop for programming. Keep these factors in mind, and you’re sure to find the best laptop for your needs. 

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Dennis M
Dennis M

Hi, I'm Dennis, a software developer and blogger who specializes in programming languages and compilers. My blog posts focus on software development and programming topics like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS and ReactJS as well as PHP-based applications. Check and join my group to ensure that you do not miss any of my informative articles on this field:

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