If you are an entrepreneur, you have probably come across the problem of not automating certain aspects of your business. This is a huge deal-breaker when it comes to scaling your company and increasing profits. Luckily there is a solution. Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. With its help, we will show you how to automate Whatsapp messages with Python without any coding experience at all. 

Python is a powerful coding language that you can use to analyze data, create websites or applications for desktops like iOS devices in the App Store. You don’t need to be an expert in programming to use Python to create exciting things. For example, there are so many ways to distract yourself from the hectic task of opening WhatsApp messages and replying.

This is a tutorial for programmers who are new to Python. It will teach you how to automate your own personal messages and automate the process of sending them over Whatsapp. This tutorial assumes that you have basic knowledge of programming languages such as HTML, javascript, or CSS.

Automating repetitive tasks can make your life easier. Imagine not having to reply to the same messages repeatedly, just by using one program. As a result of Whatsapp’s popularity, many tools like WhatsApp bots and API have been created to automate messaging processes in simple ways.

However, these can be costly or inconvenient for users who do not wish to use these paid services when some free alternatives exist, such as Facebook Messenger.


How to automate WhatsApp messages with Python
How to automate WhatsApp messages with Python

The Python programming language is a major player in the global market. In recent years, the programming language has overtaken every other language and become one of, if not THE most popular choice for many companies around the world – including Google, Facebook or NASA. 

Python has become one of the most popular languages in use, with companies looking for people who can code it. Unfortunately, the demand for learning Python is so high that some employers will not hire you unless they know you’re able and willing to do so too. 

So what exactly is Python, and why has it become so popular? Is there really an urgent need for people who use this language?

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Why Use Python?

How to automate WhatsApp messages with Python
How to automate WhatsApp messages with Python

Python is a coding language that was developed by Guido van Rossum in 1991. It has many features and benefits to offer, such as being interpreted rather than compiled or encrypted – this means there’s no need for directives like “ifdef”, which can lead you into problems when trying to make changes later on without warning. 

Python is a versatile programming language that can be used for everything from web development and machine learning. Besides, it’s also worth noting that many people who work in data science use Python because it has some advantages over other languages like Matlab or R. 

Python has many unique features that make it one of the most popular languages for programming. Python is different, unlike other coding languages, such as C or Java, where you must worry about syntax and brackets placement while writing code. With Python, it is almost equal to English verb conjugation: all those little symbols we use – like “if” statements (or “`), math operator. 

Python is a great language for beginners who want to code and seasoned developers alike. It has an easy syntax that makes creating software prototypes very simple with minimal effort. 

How Do I Automate WhatsApp Messages With Python? 

How to automate WhatsApp messages with Python
How to automate WhatsApp messages with Python

Bugs are likely to come up when you code and the best way to avoid them is by following these steps. However, whenever you encounter any bugs, always remember you can solve them with a little research, otherwise don’t forget that Google exists. 

Bugs are inevitable in programming. In a recent project, I had to sleep over an issue before figuring out how to solve it. It’s always good to take some time off and let your brain process what you are working on in order for new ideas or solutions to pop up when obstacles like these bugs aren’t directly confronting them. 

1. Open and Create New project in PyCharm

PyCharm is a must-have for any developer who wants to get the most out of their time. With its intelligent assistance, you can easily avoid hours worth of error. And if that’s not enough reason alone, consider how quickly this IDE makes programming easier. 

Pycharm is one of the best tools for software development. It can help you create and develop applications, no matter what language they are written in as it comes with various helpful features. 

2. Install Pywhatkit

Search Pywhatkit on Google or check the website here. Copy the installation link. Paste it into your Pycharm terminal and press enter. Pywhatki will install after some minutes.

Features available on Pywhatkit

  • Sending a message to a contact or WhatsApp Group
  • Converting Images to ASCII Art
  • Sending Image to a Contact or WhatsApp Group 
  • Play YouTube Videos
  • Send mails with HTML Code
  • Convert string into handwriting

3. Type the code below

The Python code is as follows. 

You will need to copy and paste it into the Pycharm IDE (the large space above your terminal). Once you run the code, you will find a saying that your Whatsapp web will open in 50 seconds and a message delivered after 20 seconds. 

Remember to include a phone number with the international code (+…) of your country so that you want to send your message to. Afterward, type and send Whatsapp message or phrase and send. 

Ready? Next, add the time you want the Whatsapp message to be delivered. However, the time should be in a 24-hour clock. When you click Send on your message, it will automatically open in a browser and send immediately. 

If you have a bad internet connection, your message will not be sent; instead, it will stay inside the text box. 

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What Error Messages Are You Likely to Encounter?

How to automate WhatsApp messages with Python
How to automate WhatsApp messages with Python

Error messages can prevent you from automating WhatsApp messages using Python. However, it is possible to solve this issue with a few quick solutions listed below. 

#1 Possible Error When Installing Pywhatkit

You may encounter the following error while installing Pywhatkit: 

The headers or library files could not be found for zlib, a required dependency when compiling Pillow from source.”

Solution: Upgrade Pillow and pip. Next, Run the following codes separately and see if it helps: 

  • python -m pip install – upgrade pip
  • python -m pip install –upgrade Pillow (this will also install Pillow if not already installed)

#2 Error when Inputting Your Country Code

If you fail to input a code in the phone numbers that you are contacting, you will get the following error: 

raise CountryCodeException(“Country code missing from phone no”)

pywhatkit.mainfunctions.CountryCodeException: Country code missing from phone no”

Solution: Ensure you include a country code for every number, for example +1, +254, +44..etc

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#3 Error When You Start Time with a Zero

You will encounter syntax errors if you start your time with a zero. 

Solution: Ensure you start your time with another number other than zero (0). 

#4 Possible Error If You have a Slow Internet

You will receive this error if you try to send messages with slow internet: 

Warning: INTERNET IS SLOW, extraction of information might take longer time.”

“raise Warning(“INTERNET IS SLOW, extraction of information might take longer time).”

Solution: Ensure your internet is strong enough. 

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, automating Whatsapp Message using Python is helpful in a wide range of scenarios, for example: 

  • When you want your message to be delivered at specific times or on certain days
  • If it’s during working hours and not available when someone else needs information right away (for instance, an emergency response team)
  • As part-time work after school/after college so that parents don’t need full-time caretaker responsibility for their children while they’re growing up outside home care settings. 

The future of love is now at your fingertips. With the above simple two-line code, you can send a daily morning WhatsApp message to remind your significant other how much they mean to them and make them feel cared for through technology. 

Install Pywhatkit, then import it into your IDE of choice. Finally, write out a message including the phone number you want to send automated messages and when they should go off (time).

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Introduction to Python

Using the Python Programming Language


Dennis M
Dennis M

Hi, I'm Dennis, a software developer and blogger who specializes in programming languages and compilers. My blog posts focus on software development and programming topics like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS and ReactJS as well as PHP-based applications. Check and join my group to ensure that you do not miss any of my informative articles on this field: https://www.facebook.com/groups/softwaredevelopmentinsights

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