10 Best Coding Activities for Kids to Learn Without a Computer

10 Best Coding Activities for Kids to Learn Without a Computer
best coding activities

Do you want your kids to learn how to code? If so, this blog post is for you! We will talk about the best coding activities that will teach your child without using a computer. Kids these days are more tech-savvy than ever before. They can play games, watch videos, and communicate with their friends, all without even touching a computer. However, the benefits of coding go beyond just having fun on the computer, and learning how to code help kids acquire and enhance problem-solving skills that they will use in their entire life. 

So what should you do if your child wants to learn how to program? We’re glad you asked. In this blog post, we will discuss 10 different activities that children can do at home or in school without access to a computer.

10 Top Best Coding Activities for Kids

1. Play Robot Turtles

10 Best Coding Activities for Kids to Learn Without a Computer
best coding activities

This a board game that teaches kids the basics of coding. The objective of this game is to move your turtles from their start tile to your end goal without running into any obstacles or being caught by other players’ turtle-seeking wands. Players take turns laying down tiles that dictate how each turtle can move until they have navigated their turtle to the finish. This is an excellent way for kids as young as three years old to learn basic programming concepts. 

Playing board games offers an excellent way to combine learning and fun offline. Robot Turtles teaches the basics of programming in an easy, interactive format, which makes it the most exciting approach among the best coding activities. Using code cards on your computer or phone will let you move around turtles as they try their best on a quest for that prized jewel at center stage–using strategy skills like planning while also building up execution speed through playtime. 

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2. Read Hello Ruby

10 Best Coding Activities for Kids to Learn Without a Computer
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Hello Ruby is a book that teaches kids about the basics of coding and programming. It contains three main parts: “The Story,” which follows a young girl (Ruby) who wants to learn how to program, and “Activity” sections. In this case, children complete fun challenges to further their understanding, and an “Exploration” section at the end of each chapter encourages kids to branch off and learn something new. This is an excellent book for children ages seven and up, especially those who already know about computers. 

Hello Ruby is a coding adventure for young students. This story and activity book teaches kids how to break big problems into small ones, look for patterns in data sets, or create step-by-step plans on their computer screens before they can even type anything out. The main character named “Ruby” has an imagination that’s as wild as her hair color–and she never quits until the puzzle is solved (even if it takes all night). With Hello Ruby: Adventures In Coding, you’ll be learning computational thinking skills while having loads of fun playing games online too, making it the best coding activities. 

Here are some related posts:

3. Code a LEGO maze

Coding and LEGO? Is this a match made in heaven or what?! This is one of the best coding activities for both kids and adults because it combines two of the best things: LEGOs, which we all know are awesome, and coding skills that can be useful throughout life. In order to code your own maze with your child, you will need some basic LEGO pieces and a coding app such as Code.org’s Coding with Chrome.

Once you have these two things, it’s time to start creating. First, your child will need to build their LEGO maze according to the specifications of the code they are trying to create. This is where having some basic knowledge about coding can come in handy because it can make it easier to build your maze. Once this is complete, they need to use the coding app and insert their code in order for LEGO pieces to move throughout the maze.

This activity is a great way for kids as young as five years old (or even younger) to learn some basic programming concepts that will be useful later on in life.

If you can’t tell already, coding is a great skill that kids of all ages should learn. These are just some examples of how children as young as preschoolers can start learning about simple programming concepts without even knowing them. If your child is interested in learning how to code, then such resources can help ensure they remain on the right track.

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4. Teach a robot to stack cups

10 Best Coding Activities for Kids to Learn Without a Computer
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This activity is great for kids of all ages because it’s simple enough that young children can play with it yet complex enough to keep older ones entertained. Kids will need a robot, some cups (the number depends on the child’s age), and maybe something to use as platforms if you’d like them to make towers instead of single stacks.

In this activity from Thinkersmith, students are challenged to create an algorithm for how a robot should create a cup stack. The instructions will teach them the connection between symbols and actions as well as debugging skills.

This activity is fairly self-explanatory once you have all of these things: let kids stack the cups with their robot. If they’d like to make towers instead of stacks, then some platforms can be used underneath the cups in order to elevate them. This will allow for more complex stacking with younger children and simpler setups for older ones, making it the best coding activities. The activity is great because it has a lot of different applications that can be used in the real world, so kids are not just learning for fun but rather practicing something they will actually use.

5. Make binary bracelets

10 Best Coding Activities for Kids to Learn Without a Computer
best coding activities

In order to make binary bracelets, children will need a strip of paper and some markers. Kids can use these materials in any way that they’d like as long as it leads to them making a bracelet out of the binary numbers from one through ten. This is similar to other best coding activities because it’s simple enough for younger kids but also complex enough to keep older ones engaged.

In this case, you need to draw the following symbols on the strip of paper: 0, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight(with a line over it), nine (with a line over it), and then finally ten. After this is complete, simply twist the paper into a bracelet and wear it, showing off your binary skills. This activity is great because it teaches kids how to count in binary and reinforces their understanding of numbers.

For example: if you were wearing this particular bracelet and someone asked what six was, all you’d have to do is point at the symbol, and they’d know that it was six in binary.

This is a great way for kids to learn the basics of coding without them even realizing they are doing so. These are just some examples of how children as young as preschoolers can start learning about simple programming concepts without knowing they’re actually practicing something useful. If your child is interested in learning how to code, then the best coding activities and many other resources can help you get them started on this path.

6. Printable Scratch blocks

Scratch is a coding language that children can use to create their own games, stories, and animations, which makes it one of the best coding activities. With this in mind, kids will learn to code much more easily if they have practice materials available. For them to do this without a computer program like scratch, you’ll need some printable Scratch blocks.

These are actually available to download online for free, so there are no excuses about why your child can’t have some scratch blocks. These will allow kids of all ages and skill levels to code with a fun and accessible application. This activity is great because it will enable children who don’t even know what coding means the chance to practice something new and potentially useful.

If kids are interested in learning how to code, then having these printable scratch blocks is an excellent way to hone their skills without a computer. These activities can be used both at home and school, so if your child wants to learn more about coding, they’ll have the resources available that will actually help them do it.

7. Makey Makey Operation game

10 Best Coding Activities for Kids to Learn Without a Computer
best coding activities

Instead of using the computer for this game, children will be using their own brains. This learning activity is fairly simple and has many applications in real life.

Before you begin playing, make sure that your child knows what open and closed circuits are (and why it matters when making one). An open is any situation where electricity is unable to travel through the circuit, while a closed circuit means that electricity will flow.

Once they know this concept, it’s time for them to play. First, you’ll need all of your materials which include: an empty toilet paper roll, some nails, and wire. Your child should first hammer one nail into each end of the cardboard, ensuring it’s secure.

After they have this base, ask them to use the wire to connect one nail into each end of the cardboard so that if you touch both ends at once (one hand on each side), electricity will flow through and light up the LED. This is a great learning opportunity because it teaches kids about circuits and how electricity works.

Even if your child doesn’t have any interest in coding, introducing them to different learning opportunities and the best coding activities is still a good idea. The more they know about being prepared for their future, the better off they’ll be. This activity is great because it teaches children something that will be useful and interesting even if they’re not interested in coding.

If your kids are curious about how to code but don’t know where to start, this activity is great because it allows them the chance to learn something new while using their own brains instead of a computer. As long as they can understand circuits and electricity, they’ll participate in this fun learning opportunity.

8. CS Unplugged Activities

Another great learning opportunity is CS Unplugged which uses role-playing to help children learn about computer science. This activity has six different modules that you can use in order to teach your child what computer science really means without a screen. As an added bonus, it’s available for free online, so there are no excuses when it comes to why they can’t learn coding without a computer.

It’s important to keep in mind that this role-playing activity is meant for children of all ages, just like most of the best coding activities. Some modules will be more difficult than others, but each one has something unique and interesting about it that your kids can benefit from learning. If you’re looking for some new ways to teach the importance of computers, this is a great place to start.

CS Unplugged is a fun and interactive collection of computer science activities for kids. The lessons empower young learners to understand the ideas that are covered in CS without being an expert programmer or having access to cutting-edge technology. 

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9. Computer Science-in-a-Box Activities

10 Best Coding Activities for Kids to Learn Without a Computer
best coding activities

Another great option for kids who are interested in coding but aren’t ready to learn on their own is Computer Science-in-a-Box. This learning activity can be used by both students and teachers, which means that it’s useful no matter what the situation. Compared to other best coding activities for kids, it also has many applications.

One of the best things about this resource is how it can be used at any level to help children learn better. For example, if your child struggles with reading computer science textbooks, they’ll benefit from these activity books because there are no words (just diagrams and fun graphics). As a bonus, you won’t have to worry about them struggling with reading, which is great for any child.

On the other hand, if your child excels at learning new coding information, these activity books can help teach their friends or siblings. They’ll learn how to code while creating fun games and challenges that they (and their classmates) will love playing. This helps children learn about computer science while making it fun, which is something that can be hard to do.

10. Bits and Botts Activities 

Bits and Botts is another great learning activity for children who are interested in coding. Teachers can use these activities to help students learn important computer science concepts (such as binary code), which helps them build their knowledge foundation while creating fun games.

Final Thoughts 

In this blog post, we have discussed 10 best coding activities that a child can do to learn coding at home or in school without access to a computer. Children have repeatedly tested each activity, so you know your child will be successful if they give them a shot. Have fun learning how these activities can help your child develop life-long skills.

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Top 5 Free Coding Tools for Kids: https://www.teachervision.com/educational-technology/top-5-free-coding-tools-for-kids

Computer Science: https://www.schools.nyc.gov/learning/subjects/computer-science


Dennis M
Dennis M

Hi, I'm Dennis, a software developer and blogger who specializes in programming languages and compilers. My blog posts focus on software development and programming topics like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS and ReactJS as well as PHP-based applications. Check and join my group to ensure that you do not miss any of my informative articles on this field: https://www.facebook.com/groups/softwaredevelopmentinsights

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