How to be a software engineer without a computer science degree

How to be a software engineer without a computer science degree
How to be a software engineer

Are you interested in software engineering but don’t have a computer science degree? Have you ever wondered how to become a software engineer without a computer science degree? 

If so, then this blog post is for you. We will discuss how to be a software engineer without a computer science degree. There are many avenues that one can take to get into software engineering, and we will go over some of them.

What is a software developer?

A software developer writes code to create software programs and software products such as operating systems, features, apps, robots, and video games. 


  • Design, develop, and test software products
  • Understand user’s requirements and use technology/coding to solve problems
  • Apply programming language to transform instructions into what computers can fully understand
  • Create a code from scratch or partner with other developers to create or enhance an existing code
  • Work with other UX designers, technical writers, product managers, and other professionals

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Software developer vs software engineer

How to be a software engineer without a computer science degree
How to be a software engineer

Software engineers and developers are often interchangeable. Companies tend not to make any distinctions between them, which can lead to mistakes when one’s skillset doesn’t match the other for what needs to be done in your project scope.

The terms “software engineer” or “developer” have been used interchangeably by different companies since they both work on software projects, yet there isn’t really much of a difference between these two job descriptions unless we’re talking about senior roles where some might require higher level qualifications such as Masters degree – then again that would mean more expense so maybe it’s best just stick with someone experienced if possible. Check the best 15 programming languages for data science in 2021.

1. Take software engineering courses.

A bachelor’s degree in software can be beneficial, but it isn’t necessary if you are able to pass the assessments of software engineer certification exams like the Certified Software Development Associate (CSDA).

If you don’t have any software engineering courses on your resume, software companies will hesitate to hire you. You can remedy this by taking a software engineering course at a local community college or trade school.

If you are already employed as a software engineer and don’t have the opportunity to take software engineering classes at work, then look for opportunities outside of work.

2. Take online courses.

Another way to get software engineering experience is by taking software engineering courses online. Take these courses either at your own pace or through an accelerated program like the one offered here.

Do not worry if you don’t have any software development experience on your resume, this will be something that you can talk about during the interview process.

3. Take an online software development course.

Another great way to get software engineering experience is by taking a software development course online. These courses are either offered at your own pace or through an accelerated program. For those of you who do not know what software development is, it’s programming and software design concepts that will help you gain knowledge in software engineering.

4. Use online tools used by real software developers.

How to be a software engineer without a computer science degree
How to be a software engineer

You can learn how to code on Codecademy, but it’s not the same as learning in a real-world environment. Instead of typing out your answers and getting graded right away for mistakes you make along the way (and, if they’re bad enough – punished). This type of interactive approach provides more guided steps with feedback from instructors who know what they’re doing, so there isn’t room for guessing or trying things out haphazardly just yet.

You can get yourself accustomed to coding and solidifying the concepts in your mind with this course. But, if you want something more practical for when it comes time to start working as an engineer or joining teams full-time, think about building how real engineers build from day one – using their tools.

There are many programs that can teach you how to use the tools, like Version Control with Git. Coursera has an online course on it. Learn where to get your beginners education in coding.

5. Ensure you understand core CS fundamentals

Software engineers are the unsung heroes of our industry. They’re not typically as visible or celebrated, but they spend their days working tirelessly to solve problems with code for software that helps make your life easier.

These workers require a solid grasp of computer science fundamentals to create more efficient solutions than ever before- which means you need someone who knows what goes into designing an algorithm from scratch. Hence, I’m glad this article can help teach us all some valuable lessons about algorithms too.

Final Thoughts

There are always opportunities in software development; however, getting your foot in the door is often challenging for non-computer science majors. This is because software engineering is a new field, and software engineers are always in high demand. By taking the steps outlined in this post, software engineers can find a way into software engineering and begin building their careers without pursuing computer science degrees or certifications.

The software engineer’s life is interesting, challenging, rewarding, and fun. If you’re interested in becoming a software engineer, then I recommend considering this blog post.

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Software Developers, Quality Assurance Analysts, and Testers:

How to Become a Software Engineer: What You Need to Know:


Dennis M
Dennis M

Hi, I'm Dennis, a software developer and blogger who specializes in programming languages and compilers. My blog posts focus on software development and programming topics like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS and ReactJS as well as PHP-based applications. Check and join my group to ensure that you do not miss any of my informative articles on this field:

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