Top 19 Python Interview Questions That Will Help You Ace Your Next Interview in 2022

Top Python Interview Questions
Python Interview Questions

Looking to ace your next python interview in 2022? Look no further! Here are the top 19 python interview questions that will help you stand out from the crowd. These questions are commonly asked by recruiters, so make sure you know how to answer them well. 

Python has become one of the most popular programming languages globally and is widely used in a variety of industries. If you’re looking to jump into the python development scene, make sure you are prepared for these questions.

Python Interview Questions Recruiters Love in 2022

Top Python Interview Questions
Python Interview Questions

Question #01: What is Python, and what are its main features?

Python is a high-level, interpreted, general-purpose programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum in 1989 and has since become one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Python’s key features include ease of use, readability, cross-platform support, and a large standard library.

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Question #02: What are Python’s main uses?

Python is used for many different things, such as web development, software development, data analysis, and machine learning. It can also be used to create desktop applications or games. Python is popular because it is easy to learn and has many modules and libraries that allow for a wide range of applications.

Top Python Interview Questions
Python Interview Questions

Question #03: What is the python interpreter?

The python interpreter is a program that reads python code and converts it into machine code that can be executed on a computer. The python interpreter can be run on Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems.

Question #04: What is a python module?

A python module is a collection of python code that can be imported into other python programs. Python modules are typically stored in .py files.

Top Python Interview Questions
Python Interview Questions

Question #05: Differentiate a function and a method

A function is a named block of Python code that performs a specific task. A method is similar, but it belongs to an object and can only be called on that object.

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Question #06: How do you create a Python class?

A Python class is created by using the keyword “class,” followed by the name of your class, and then curly braces that contain the class’s attributes and methods.

Top Python Interview Questions
Python Interview Questions

Question #07: What is an object in Python?

An object is a data structure that contains information about a specific thing. In Python, everything is an object, including numbers, strings, and functions.

Question #08: What are the three main types of objects in Python?

The three main types of python objects are integers, floats (real numbers), and strings. Python also has a type called NoneType that represents empty values.

Top Python Interview Questions
Python Interview Questions

Question #09: What is the difference between local and global variables in Python?

A variable that can only be accessed within its scope is called a local variable. On the other hand, a variable that can be accessed from any scope is called a global variable.

Question #10: How do you execute Python code?

Python code can be executed in two ways: by running the Python interpreter or by using a Python IDE. The Python interpreter is a program that reads Python code and converts it into machine code that can be executed on a computer. The Python IDE is an integrated development environment with a text editor and Python compiler built in.

Top Python Interview Questions
Python Interview Questions

Question #11: Explain the basic differences between lists and tuples

A Python list is a collection of objects. It can contain any type of python object, and its elements can be changed in place. Python lists are mutable, meaning that their elements can be modified once created. 

A python tuple is similar to a python list except for two main differences: firstly, it cannot contain duplicate values; secondly, its elements cannot be modified once created. Tuples are immutable, meaning that their elements cannot be changed after they have been created. This makes them more efficient than python lists and can be useful for storing data that should not be changed.

Question #12: What is _init_?

In Python, the _init_ method is a constructor called when a class object is instantiated. It can be used to initialize variables or perform other tasks upon the creation of an object. The init method has two parameters: self and args. Self refers to the class instance (the object being created). 

Args are the arguments that must be passed to the __init_ method in order for it to work correctly. The python _init_ function is called before any other methods or attributes of a python class, making it useful for setting up an object’s state upon creation.

Top Python Interview Questions
Python Interview Questions

Question #13: What are the latest features added in the new version of Python 3.10.2?

What’s the latest version of Python? This is a question that recruiters often ask potential employees. However, the answer to this may not be as obvious to those who don’t know how recent updates work in relation to one another, especially if they’re located on different platforms (such as Windows vs. Linux).

Python is a popular programming language used in many different industries and fields. To prepare for an interview, it’s important that you know which versions of the Python program are most recent or relevant so your responses will not take too long. 

Question #14: Differentiate .py and .pyc?

When a Python file is first executed, it is converted into bytecode that can be run on a computer. The Python interpreter stores this bytecode in a .pyc file. If the Python code in the original file is changed, the bytecode will not be updated, and the .pyc file will still contain the old code. This is why Python files are usually distributed as Python source code (.py) instead of Python bytecode (.pyc).

Top Python Interview Questions
Python Interview Questions

Question #15: List the common built-in data types in Python.

The common Python data types are string, int, float, bool, list, tuple, and dict. Each type can be assigned a specific value and performed certain operations on it. 

For example, the int data type can only contain integer values, and the + operator can be used to add two integers together. The Python built-in data types are important because they allow you to create variables that store values and perform operations with them without having to write any additional code yourself.

Question #16: How do I convert a Python string into an integer?

In Python, the str() function converts a value into its string representation.

This can be useful when you need to convert Python strings into Python integers or Python floats. This function has one parameter: the value that needs to be converted. For example, if you want to convert a Python string into an integer, then you would use str(string). If you wanted to convert it back from an integer into a python string, then you would use int(string).

Top Python Interview Questions
Python Interview Questions

Question #17: What are Python’s “try” and “except” statements?

The Python “try” and “except” statements are used to catch errors in Python code.

You can write a Python function that executes some code, but if any errors occur, Python will catch them and handle them accordingly. The try block is a code review tool that can be used to check your program for errors. When there’s no error, the instructions in this section will run and produce results as if nothing had gone wrong. 

This can be useful if you have code that might fail or throw an error under certain conditions, but you don’t want your program to stop executing because of it. The Python “try” statement allows Python to execute a block of code (usually a Python function) without throwing any errors, even when there are some present in the code. The Python “except” statement allows Python to catch any errors that it might encounter during the execution of the Python try block and handle them accordingly without stopping the execution of your program altogether.

Top Python Interview Questions
Python Interview Questions

Question #18: Mention all the necessary keywords in Python.

The Python keywords are: if, else, for, while, break, continue, and pass. These keywords are used to create Python code blocks and control the flow of execution in your program. For example, in Python if the keyword can be used to execute a block of code only when a certain condition is met. 

The Python else keyword can be used to execute a block of Python code only when a certain condition is not met. The Python keywords break, continue, and pass are used together with Python loops, such as for or while loops, in order to control how many times they will iterate over their contents before exiting themselves back out again.

Python Keywords: 

  • Operator Keywords: is, not, and, or.
  • Value Keywords: False, True, None.
  • Iteration Keywords: while, for, break, else, continue.
  • Control Flow Keywords: if, elif, else.
  • Returning Keywords: yield, return.
  • Structure Keywords: def, class, with, as, pass, lambda.
  • Import Keywords: as, from, import, from.

Question #19: What do the Python “is” and “is not” operators do?

The python “is” and python “is not” operators are used to compare two python objects for equality.

You can use them together with any data type in Python.

For example, you could use the python “is operator” on a string or an integer value to check whether it matches another one of the same types.

The Python “is not operator” can be used in Python programs where Python needs to determine whether two variables do not contain the same value before performing an action based on this information.

For example, if you have a python program that checks for user input and then executes some code depending on what was entered by them, Python might use Python’s “is not operator” to determine whether they entered something other than “yes” or “no.”

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, these are some of the most common Python interview questions that you are likely to encounter in 2022. By preparing for these questions, you will be able to ace your next Python interview and land the job you want. 

Thank you for reading this blog post about Python interview questions. If you have any Python-related questions, please feel free to post them in the comments below or contact me directly through my contact page. I hope this information was helpful and will help you land that Python job.

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Dennis M
Dennis M

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