How to Write Software Test Cases: The Ultimate Guide

Software testing is a process of verifying that a software program or application meets the requirements specified in the design document and performs as expected. This process usually involves executing a series of test cases and examining the results to ensure that the software functions as intended. 

In this blog post, we will discuss how to write effective software test cases. We will cover everything from creating test scenarios to documenting results. Let’s get started!

What are software test cases?

A software test case is a set of instructions that describe how to verify the correctness of a software program or application. Test cases are usually written in a formal language such as English, but they can also be written in pseudocode or a natural language.

The purpose of a software test case is to verify that the software program or application under test behaves as expected when executed. A test case should contain all the information necessary to execute a test, including the preconditions, input data, expected output, and post-conditions.

A software test case can be either positive or negative. Positive software test cases are also known as success cases, and they verify that the software program or application behaves as expected when executed. Negative test cases, on the other hand, verify that the software program or application does not behave as expected when executed.

Creating effective software test cases is essential to the success of any software testing effort. In order to write effective test cases, you need to have a clear understanding of the software requirements. Once you have a clear understanding of the requirements, you can start creating your test cases.

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How to write test cases for software

When writing software test cases, it is important to keep the following things in mind:

1. Use a strong title that indicates what the test case is about

The title should be clear and concise, so that anyone reading it knows exactly what the test case is trying to achieve. A good rule of thumb is to make the title no more than 50 characters long.

2. Include a Strong Description

The description should be clear and concise, just like the title. It should explain what the test case is trying to achieve, and why it is important.

Including a strong description will help everyone understand the purpose of the software test cases and will make it easier to execute.

3. Add Assumptions and Preconditions

Assumptions and preconditions are important to include in a test case because they help set the stage for what needs to happen before the test can be executed.

For example, if you are testing a login feature, your assumption might be that the user has already created an account. Your precondition would then be that the user enters their username and password into the login form.

4. The test case should be brief and to the point

There is no need to include a lot of fluff in a test case. Be brief and to the point. Include only the information that is necessary to execute the test case.

If you find that your test case is getting too long, consider breaking it up into smaller, more manageable pieces.

5. Add the Expected result

The expected result is what should happen when the test case is executed successfully. This is important to include because it allows you to verify that the software is functioning as intended.

Without an expected result, it would be difficult to know if the software passed or failed the test case.

When writing a software test case, you will need to include the following information:

  • Title: The title should be brief and describe the purpose of the test case.
  • Description: The description should provide more details about what the test case is testing for.
  • Prerequisites: These are the conditions that must be met before the test can be executed.
  • Test Steps: These are the steps that need to be followed in order to execute the test case.
  • Expected Result: This is the result that should be achieved when the test is executed successfully.
  • Actual Result: This is the actual result achieved when the test was executed.
  • Status: The status of the test case (e.g., passed, failed, blocked, etc.)
  • Date Executed: The date on which the test was executed.
  • Tested By: The name of the person who executed the test case.

Now that we know what information to include in software test cases, let’s take a look at an example.

Test Case Sample

Title: Login Test Case

Description: This test case is used to test the login functionality of the application.

Prerequisites: The user should have a valid username and password.

Test Steps:

  • Enter the username in the Username field.
  • Enter the password in the Password field.
  • Click on the Login button.

Expected Result: The user should be able to login successfully.

Actual Result: The user was able to login successfully.

Status: Passed

Date Executed: mm/dd/yyyy

Tested By: Dennis Brown

As you can see, a software test case is a simple but important tool that can help ensure the quality

What are test case types?

There are four main types of software test cases:

1. Functional testing: This type of testing verifies that the software can perform the tasks it is designed to do. Functional testing is the most common type of test case, as it covers the basic functionality of the software. Performance, security, and usability testing are important as well, but should be tailored to the specific needs of the software being tested.

When creating test cases, it is important to consider what you are testing for. Are you testing the functionality of the software? The performance? The security? The usability? Once you know what you are testing for, you can create software test cases that will effectively cover all the bases.

Here is an example of a functional test case:

Test Case ID: 0001

Test Case Name: Verify Login Functionality

Prerequisites: valid user credentials


  • Enter valid username and password
  • Click login button

Expected Result: User is successfully logged in

This test case verifies that the login functionality of the software is working as intended. To do this, the tester will enter valid credentials and attempt to log in. If the user is successfully logged in, then the test case passes.

2. Performance testing: This type of testing measures the speed and scalability of the software.

3. Security testing: This type of testing verifies that the software is secure and resistant to attack.

4. Usability testing: This type of testing verifies that the software is easy to use and understand.

Others include: 

5. Integration test cases: Integration test cases are designed to test the interaction between different software components. For example, if you have a web application that consists of a front-end and a back-end, you would want to create integration test cases to test the communication between the two.

Some tips for writing effective integration test cases:

  • Identify the interfaces that need to be tested.
  • Identify the inputs and outputs for each interface.
  • Design test cases that cover all possible combinations of inputs and outputs.
  • Execute the test cases and examine the results to ensure that the software functions as intended

6. User interface test cases: User interface test cases are a type of functional testing that verifies the correctness of the user interface. UI test cases should exercise all aspects of the user interface, including buttons, links, and text fields.

To write effective UI test cases, you will need to have a clear understanding of how the software is supposed to be used. You should also have a good understanding of the UI elements that will be used.

Here are some tips for writing UI test cases:

  • Clearly state the expected behavior of the software. For example, “When I click on the ‘Submit’ button, the form should be submitted to the server.”
  • Use clear and concise language.
  • Be specific. Include details such as the name of the UI element that will be used, the expected input, and the expected output.
  • Use screenshots or screencasts to supplement your software test cases. This can be especially helpful if the UI is complex or if you are testing a web application.
  • Include the steps required to reproduce the issue. This will help the developers to quickly understand and fix the problem.
  •  Indicate the importance of each test case. This will help the testers to prioritize their work.
  • Test cases should be written before the software is developed. This way, they can be used to guide the development process. UI test cases can be stored in a test case management tool or in a spreadsheet.

When creating UI test cases, it is important to consider all possible inputs and outputs. For example, if you are testing a text field, you should test for different input values, such as an empty string, a string of max length, and a string of min length. You should also test for different output values, such as an error message or a success message.

It is also important to consider edge cases when writing UI test cases. An edge case is a scenario that falls outside of the normal flow of the software. For example, if you are testing a login form, an edge case would be a user who tries to login with an invalid username or password.

Edge cases can be difficult to test for because they are not always easy to reproduce. However, it is important to consider them when writing UI test cases, as they can help to uncover hidden bugs in the software. 

UI test cases can be time-consuming to write. However, they are essential for ensuring the quality of the software. By taking the time to write UI test cases, you can avoid many potential problems down the road.

7. Database test cases

Database test cases are used to verify the accuracy and completeness of data in a database. To write effective database test cases, you need to have a good understanding of the structure of the database. For example, if you are testing a customer database, you should know how many fields there are in the customer table and what data is stored in each field.

To write a database test case, you need to first identify the data that you want to test. For example, if you are testing a customer database, you might want to test the following data:

  • The customer’s name
  • The customer’s address
  • The customer’s phone number
  • The customer’s credit card number
  • The customer’s order history

Once you have identified the data that you want to test, you need to write software test cases for each piece of data. For example, if you are testing the customer’s name, you might write a test case that looks like this:

Test case: Verify that the customer’s name is correct


  • The customer’s name must be entered in the database.
  • The customer’s name must be stored in the correct field.

Test steps:

  • Retrieve the customer’s name from the database.
  • Compare the customer’s name in the database to the customer’s name in the design document.
  •  If the customer’s name in the database does not match the customer’s name in the design document, then report an error.

Expected result: The customer’s name in the database matches the customer’s name in the design document.

Actual result: ___________________________________________________.

Once you have written the test case, you need to execute it. To do this, you need to connect to the database and retrieve the customer’s name from the database. Then, you need to compare the customer’s name in the database to the customer’s name in the design document. If the customer’s name in the database does not match the customer’s name in the design document, then you need to report an error.

After you have executed the test case, you need to document the results. To do this, you need to record the customer’s name, the expected result, and the actual result. You also need to record whether or not the test case passed or failed.

Database test cases are an important part of testing a database-driven application. By writing and executing database test cases, you can ensure that the data in the database is accurate and complete.

What are some tips for writing effective software test cases?

Here are some tips for writing effective software test cases:

  • Be clear and concise
  • Use simple language
  • Make sure the prerequisites are clearly defined
  • Include all relevant information
  • Define the expected results
  • Be consistent with your terminology
  • Use a standard format
  • Keep the test cases organized

By following these tips, you can write effective software test cases that will help you find bugs in your software.

What are the common mistakes in software test cases?

Here are some common mistakes when writing software test cases:

  • Not including all relevant information 
  • Not being clear and concise
  • Using complicated language
  • Not defining the expected results
  • Being inconsistent with your terminology
  • Not using a standard format
  • Not keeping the test cases organized

By avoiding these mistakes, you can write effective software test cases that will help you find bugs in your software.

What is the test case format?

The format of a software test case is typically divided into four sections:

  • the name or ID of the test case,
  • the description of what the test case is testing for,
  • the steps needed to execute the test case, and
  • the expected result.

Some organizations may also include an additional section for test data, but this is not always necessary.

What is the difference between test scenario and test case?

A test scenario is a high-level description of a feature that needs to be tested. A test case is a specific set of steps that need to be executed in order to test a particular aspect of the software. In order to write effective software test cases, you need to have a clear understanding of the feature you are testing and what needs to be tested.

Here is an example:

Scenario: As a user, I want to be able to login to the system so that I can access my account information.

Test Case #01 – Verify that the login page loads correctly.


  • Open the web browser and navigate to the login page.
  • Verify that the page title is “Login”
  • Verify that the username and password fields are present.
  • Verify that the “Login” button is present and functioning correctly.

Test Case #02 Verify that I can login with valid credentials.


  • Enter a valid username and password.
  • Click on the “Login” button.
  • Verify that I am redirected to the home page.
  • Verify that my username is displayed in the top right corner of the screen.

Test Case #03 – Verify that I cannot login with invalid credentials.


  • Enter an invalid username and password.
  • Click on the “Login” button.
  • Verify that I am not redirected to the home page.
  • Verify that an error message is displayed saying “Invalid username or password”.

As you can see, each test case has a specific set of steps that need to be executed in order to test a particular aspect of the software. In order to write effective software test cases, you need to have a clear understanding of the feature you are testing and what needs to be tested.

How do you write a test case for API?

Software Test Cases
Software Test Cases

API testing is a type of software testing that focuses on verifying the functionality of application programming interfaces (APIs). API tests can be executed using a variety of tools, such as curl or Postman. 

To write an effective software test cases for an API, you will need to identify the inputs and outputs for the API under test. You will also need to determine the expected behavior of the API. Once you have this information, you can write a test case that will verify the functionality of the API.

Here is an example of a basic API test case:

Test Case ID: TC-001

Description: Verify that the user can login to the system using valid credentials

Pre-conditions: The user has valid credentials


• Username: testuser

• Password: password123


• Status code: 200 OK

• Response body: {“message”: “Welcome, testuser!”}

Expected behavior : When the user attempts to login with valid credentials, they should be able to do so successfully. The API should return a status code of 200 OK and a response body that contains a message welcoming the user.

What is alpha and beta testing?

Alpha testing is a type of acceptance testing that is typically performed by in-house developers or testers before the software is released to external beta testers. The purpose of alpha testing is to identify any bugs or issues with the software before it is made available to a wider audience.

Beta testing, on the other hand, is a type of testing that is conducted by actual users of the software. Beta testers are usually members of the target audience for the software product. The purpose of beta testing is to obtain feedback from users about the functionality and usability of the software. Beta testing is typically performed after alpha testing has been completed and all major bugs have been fixed.

Both alpha and beta testing are important in the software development process. They help to ensure that the final product is of high quality and meets the needs of the users.


By following the tips and guidelines discussed in this blog post, you should be able to write effective software test cases that will help ensure the quality of your software application. Remember to always consult the design document when creating test scenarios, and document all results so that you can track progress and identify any areas that need further testing. With a little practice, you’ll be writing software test cases like a pro in no time!


  1. Software Testers


Dennis M
Dennis M

Hi, I'm Dennis, a software developer and blogger who specializes in programming languages and compilers. My blog posts focus on software development and programming topics like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS and ReactJS as well as PHP-based applications. Check and join my group to ensure that you do not miss any of my informative articles on this field:

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